[𝟎𝟖.] 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating- Ive had some tests this week so this is the only week I might not update and then make up for it, I should be back on my normal schedule soon though. :)

Non-Binary He/They Kageyama(and them and Tsukishima have know each other since before highschool)

Kageyama had been trying to stop himself from wanting to wear feminine clothes, usually they tried to dress androgynous to feel better.

They haven't come out to the team or their boyfriend of two years.

They liked He/Him prounouns, and they were also mostly ok with it/it's prounouns as long as it wasn't used in a derogatory way, but definitely preferred They/them most of the time with occasional He/Hims not all the time, and he never really liked feminine prounouns but loved to dress feminine alot.

Sometimes he wondered if they weren't actually non-binary for liking feminine clothes, but he had seen feminine non-binary people.

They decided to come out that day to their team, since they had seen him taking a liking to feminine things lately they decided it was best.

At morning practice they didn't do as well as they normally did.

They sighed, they had been anxious all day.

"Kageyama? Are you ok?" Hinata asked, putting a hand on his shoulder during break.

"I...have something to say."


"Did he tell you what he wanted to say?" Tanaka asked

"Nope, he just said he needed to say something"

Kageyama cringed at all the excessive 'He's'

They stood up and everyone crowded them.

"Um.." they looked at Tsukishima.

"Are you ok baby?" He asked, walking to him and taking their hand.

Kageyama squeezed his hand tightly, hoping they wouldn't have to break up because Tsukishima was gay and they were non-binary.

"I- I'm non-binary..." Kageyama said squeezeing his eyes shut.

Nobody said anything and tears started to pour out of their eyes.

He felt the warmth of Tsukishimas hand go away, causing them to cry even more, and open his eyes.

Tsukishima was smiling slightly, and he suddenly embraced them in a hug, the others joining soon after.

Kageyama broke down, sobbing into Tsukishimas arms, clutching his sweater.

"I'm s-sorry!" He choked out

"It's ok baby, we love you...I love you, and that will never change no matter who you are." Tsukishima told him

"Unless you become a criminal." Daichi said sternly causing everyone to laugh slightly.

Kageyama smiled.

"Thank you."

"No problem du- can I say that?" Tanaka asked

"Yeah...I go by He/They, alternate sometimes but don't use he that much please..stuff like bro and dude seems kinda gender neutral to me honestly.."

"Alright bro!" Noya said smiling happily.

"I feel like this is a good time to do this, I just want you to know your not alone, Kageyama..but uh I go by She/They mostly she.." Yachi said twirling their fingers together anxiously.

Kageyama gave a very bright smily nobody had seen before, as he enveloped Yachi in a hug, soon joined by their boyfriend, her partner (whoever you ship with Yachi) and the rest of the team.

The team was very cheery that day, and even had a small party that Sugawara planned on the spot.


Yay!! I love good coming out stories 😭

I'm sorry if this offends anyone is anyway! I do not intend that and I'm still trying to learn about prounouns still as a Non-Binary person myself!

Anyways- hope you enjoyed this! I will be trying to get back to my normal schedule, but other than that, Have a great day and stay safe!

🥛🍰𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞/𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨🍰🥛Where stories live. Discover now