[𝟏𝟏.] 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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It's alright, it's ok, it's alright, it's ok, you're not a monster,  just a human, and you made a few mistakes..

It's alright - Mother Mother

TW: Panic Attack(?)

Kageyama watched as another one of his sets missed his spikers hand.

"Dammit.." his whispered.

Despite it just being practice he wanted to give the 3 on 3 match his all but his body just didn't want to cooperate today.

He continued missing most of his sets, tiredly celebrating when he actually got one perfect.

Once they were done people came up to him and asked what was up.

Of course, Hinata came up first.

"Bakayama, why are your sets so off today?" Hinata asked

"Yeah, are you alright?" Suga asked, putting his hand on the youngers shoulder causing him to jump slightly which went unnoticed.

"Uhh y-yeah I'm fine." Kageyama said, trying not to burst into tears.

"Kageyama! You wanna take a break?" Daichi asked, seeing his slight shake.

"Mhmm, can I walk around outside?"

"Of course, be back here in a few minutes though."

"Ok. Thank you." Kageyama said, quickly going out the door.

He walked for a bit, thinking over how badly he had messed up today. What if Daichi only told him to take a break because he had been doing so bad? What if the team hated him for it? What if, what if, what if.

He stumbled to the ground as his breath quickened, tears started forming as his panic set in.

Oh gods- what's happening?

One hand clutched his shirt, and the other pulled at his hair, he was on his knees, trying not to scream out.

This lasted for a bit, before his breathing finally slowed down, his panic calming, tears streaming down his face.

He rolled over, into his back from his sitting position.

He took deep breaths, letting the rest of his tears flow.


He immediately sat up, and saw a face he honestly wanted, but didn't.


"Are you ok?" He asked, noticing his tears and deep breaths.


"Don't say you're fine. You're not, you're obviously crying, please, tell me what's wrong." Tsukishima pleaded

"I- why! Why would I tell you? You tease me everyday, you-"

"Because I care. And I don't...I don't know how to tell you that, I care so much. Please just tell me what's wrong." Kei had visible tears in his eyes.

Kageyama kept quiet for a few minutes, before thanking a breath..and confideing all his troubles to Tsukishima.

Once he was done, Tsukishima pulled him into a hug, "it's alright.." he whispered.


Have a amazing day, stay safe!

🥛🍰𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞/𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨🍰🥛Where stories live. Discover now