[𝟏𝟖.] 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫

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Long hair Kei :>>>

It was another stressful day for Tobio, and he was always calmed by doing something with his hands.

Normally he would have his sister come over and let him do her hair, but his boyfriend happened to have long hair that he could play with.

He quickly went down stairs to where his boyfriend was scrolling through his phone in the kitchen.

"Bubs? Can I play with your hair?" Tobio asked

"Sure baby," Kei said, not looking up.

They walked towards the couch and Tobio started doing his hair.

Soon when he was done, he had braided it and styled it to his liking.

"Thank you bubs." Tobio said smiling

"Of course, do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure!" Tobio said, going to get stuff.

During the movie, Tobio played slightly with Kei's hair, twirling it around his finger, or just patting it.

Soon he stopped though, and fell asleep on Kei's shoulder.

Oh boy this is short-
Plants pt. 2 will be tomorrows chapter hopefully!

Oh! Also, I drew kuroken today! Which is kinda why today's oneshots is so short

Anyway, Have an amazing day, take care of yourself and remember to eat, and drink water! Stay safe! Bye :>

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Anyway, Have an amazing day, take care of yourself and remember to eat, and drink water! Stay safe! Bye :>

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