[𝟐𝟖.] 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲 <𝟑

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(hehe hello!!! happy valentines day :) I hope you all had a wonderful day with, or without a significant other.

ive brought to you a cute Tsukikage confession ft. a bit of YamaYachi :D )

It wasn't uncommon for boys who played sports to get confessions, especially on Valentines day, but Tobio thought this was getting a bit ridiculous, especially since it was only happening to him.

Sure the others boys had gotten confessions and gifts(all respectfully declined), but Tobio had his bag filled with letters and lone flowers from all the girls trying to express their love for him.

At this point he could barely be polite, giving a small apology before running away.

He was glad most of them had reacted well though...he was mostly worried they would get angry at him but Daichi and Sugawara reassured him that they(most likely) wouldn't get angry at him for declining.

He sighed as he emptied his bag of flowers and half opened letters. He kept the chocolates, not wanting them to go to waste.

He hurried to catch up with everyone else, as they went to stop by Ukais shop.

"So! Kageyama-Kun, did you accept any of the conffesions?" Hinata asked him, toying with a stuffed animal he had gotten

Tobio frowned, "No? I don't have an interest in people that much."

"awh too bad, i wanted to tease you about having a new girlfriend."

"Wow he rejected all fo them? how did he have time for that?" Yamaguchi's voice said from beind them.

Tobio shrugged, "There really werent that many. people liked me better when i was younger," he let out a snort, "gave them more advantage over me thats for sure."

They all stared at him, "Not that many, huh? King you had more people confess to you than all three of us combined."

"huh. I would have thought Yamaguchi, or even Tsukishima would get more...sorry Hinata, most girls dont like short guys."


Yamaguchi blinked, "me? why would i get more than you."

Tobio furrowed his brows, "You're kind, athletic for the most part, dedicated, pretty, and for the most part taller than most girls, how do they not like you?"

Yamaguchi blinked again, as if realizing he was being complemented, slowly his face turned red.

"s-seriously?" Tobio nodded, thinking all of that was obvious.

Wait. didn't Yachi says she was going to confess to him today? He searched for her in the crowd of boys and saw her fiddleing a box.

She was probably waiting for them to be alone, less embarrassing.

"What about me? why would you think i would get more confessions than you?"

Tobio shrugged, he never really thought about it, but he had always thought Tsukishima was a bit too...perfect.

"You're tall. Handsome. Smart. if you get rid of the constant teasing and trying to get a rise out of people youre a pretty perfect dude. other than you're eyesight of course."

did he seriously just tell someone he basically hated they were pefect?

the more he thought about it the more he realized that what he said was a lie. the fact that he tried to get in Tobios nerves is what made him literally get on his nerves, making him jittery and feeling like his heart was going to jump out if his cheast.

He always thought it was because he hated him...but what if...?

he forced himself out of his thoughts as Daichi oassed around meat buns, and slowly the crowd started to dissapate.

"Erm, Yamaguchi, could i talk to you before i go home?" Yachi asked, her eyes catching Tobios, who smirked.

"Of course Yachi!"

the two went to the streetlights before Yachis house, and Tobio could see Yamaguchi become a blushing mess before they turned down the other street.

They walked for a while, Tobio assuring them that Yamaguchi would either catch up with them, or just head home if he wanted.

Hinata waved them goodbye as they reached the hill where he lived, and Tsukishima and him walked in silence down the road.

"Hey King." Tsukishima said, stopping.

"hm?" Tobio hummed, turning

A bouquet of red flowers was held in his hand, his face dusted in pink, and his eyes looking anywhere but Tobio.

"I just wanted to tell you at least. So i guess, I love you, King."

Tobio's eyes widened


"I- i...dont know how i feel."

Tsukishima sighed, "Thats fine."

He pushed the flowers into his hands before walking past him.

Tobio turned, stumbleing a bit, tryingnto reach his hand out

"Wha- Wait! Tsukishima! I.." Tobio struggled to find words as the blonde turned and raised his brow.

He didnt know how to put his feelings into words, and he had never tried to, feeling scared of what would happen, and now it was fucking him over.

"Do you have something to say or can i go home?" Tsukishima asked, bringing him back from his thoughts.

Tobio furrowed his brows and opened his mouth, meaning to say something, but nothing came out.

"oh god damn it. Fuck you." he finally said, before grabbing the others jacket and pulling him down.

Tobio never believed anyone when they told him how magical kissing someone was, he never experienced the fireworks, or the senses sharpening, or the rush of adrenaline.

But now he understood how those people felt when they excitedly told him how perfect it felt when you find the right person.

The two walked back to Tobio's house, joking around and stealing kisses from the other.

(when they got home, Tobio totally didn't put the flowers in a vase, before finding himself curled against his new boyfriend that Hinata would totally tease him about.)

Hope you enjoyed :D

If you're wondering, Heres the flowers he gave :)

If you're wondering, Heres the flowers he gave :)

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(These are Red Chrysanthemums. In Japan, Chrysanthemums are assosiated with power and royalty. Red Chrysanthemums in general are given to reveal deep love and passion.)

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