[𝟏𝟔.] 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬

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AU: children's AU(they are around 10)

"TOBIO!" His mother yelled

Tobio sat up from his covers, yawning slightly.

He looked out his already open window, admiring the slowly growing vines, with small purple morning glory flowers blooming.

He took a deep breath in and climbed out of bed.

Tobio looked at the calendar his mom always wrote down his To-Do list down on.

'Go to Kei's house💕'

Tobio smiled, and hurried downstairs to eat so he could see Kei faster.

His mother greeted him with a smile, "Hello dear, do you want pancakes?"

"Yeah!! do they have blueberries?"

"of course hun."

He cheered, watching his mom cook

his sister soon came downstairs, her hair mess, and clothes thrown on quickly as she needed to run some errands with their mother as Tobio was gone. she wore a white tank top, black shorts and some thigh high socks.

Tobio broke his blank staring at his pancakes, and looked towards his elder sibling.

"Hi sissy! can I do your hair?" Tobio asked enthusiastically

"Sure Tobio," Miwa replied, yawning.

She sat down next to him and he grabbed a brush from the living room.

once he was done, his pancakes were as well.

His mother sat his plate down just as he finished tying the buns he had done on her head.

"now you look super pretty!" Tobio yelled, before grabbing the syrup and drowning his pancakes in it.

Miwa gave a disgusted look at all the syrup.

"what?" Tobio asked, in a questioning voice.

"thats disgusting."

"No, its good!"


Their mother gave them a sharp glare and they both looked away, going back to what they were doing before.

"Tobio sweetie, you have 20 minutes to finish those up and get ready before Mrs. Tsukishima comes to pick you up alright? remember to grab the bag we packed last night."

"Okay Mom!" Tobio said, stuffing his pancakes into his mouth.

Once he had finished those, he hurried upstairs to change, into his white youth volleyball t-shirt, and some shorts, along with his favorite blue sneakers

he grabbed the backpack they had packed last night and then brushed his hair and teeth.

he ran downstairs and stood by the door.

just as he reached to see through to door window his mother came into the room, saying they were there.

She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, before sending him out to go get in the Tsukishima's car.

once he had gotten in the car, he looked at who was in the car.

There was Kei's mom, and his mama.

and then there was Kei himself, who was sitting with his arms crossed, looking at Tobio.

he wore a green dinosaur shirt, and white shorts, and of course his dinosaur shoes.

They soon arrived at the Tsukishima house hold, and when they got out of the car, Kei grabbed Tobio's hand, and dragged him to his backyard, where they played for over an hour.

when they got hot they went inside, getting water from Kei's mom, and then heading to his room.

they played with some of Kei's dinosaurs before somehow falling asleep across from each other, hands almost touching.


oh boy- This was really fun to write, half of it wasn't even with them together lol.

anyways, Stay safe, take care, remember to drink water! Have an awesome day

🥛🍰𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞/𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨🍰🥛Where stories live. Discover now