[𝟏𝟕.] 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐤𝐢𝐝

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AU: Kageyama is a famous model, and is new to karasuno

It was a gloomy day, it had just rained and was quite humid out

Kageyama nervously walked up to the school gate where is boyfriend was waiting for him.

"You ready?" The blonde boy asks, taking his hand

"Yeah..just a bit nervous...."

"You're gonna be fine, we have to stop by the gym so they know I won't be there, and not a lot of people get to school early, so barely anyone will see us today."

"Alright...you're ok with the team knowing right?"

"Only if you are. If it goes bad, well you're rich you can probably move somewhere else."

"I'd have to convince mom," Kageyama laughed

"Now that would be a pain."


The two walked to the gym, hand in hand.

And by the time they got there, Kageyama had gotten Tsukishimas jacket due to the cold wind.

Tsukishima walked up to the gym door, peering in, with Kageyama behind him, still gripping his hand.

"Daichi! I'm not going to be able to stay. Have to walk the new kid around." He yelled.

Daichi came over, "it's alright, just make sure to come after school."

Tsukishima nodded, and they started to leave, but then Noya and Tanaka came over.

"Who's the new kid!?" They asked.

Kageyama tried to walk faster to try and get out of a social situation with someone he didn't know yet.

"None of you're business, That's who." Tsukishima said.

But Noya caught a glimpse of their hands

"Are you guys together?" Which happened to get everyone's attention.

Kageyama internally cried, wanting to bash Tsukishimas head in at this moment, but refrained from doing so since he couldn't do with out him.

"Maybe," Tsukishima said before taking off, Kageyama trying to keep up.

"Gods Kei, just because I'm a model dosent mean I can run-"

"Shush, I'm going to show you around now."


Probably going to make a pt. 2 of this, but I'm gonna work on the pt. 2 of plants first.

I'm hoping to get back on schedule next week, I know I've been saying I'll get back on schedule everytime I don't update for a while, but since school is ending I'll have more time to write and think.

Also! I'm writing a new tkkg story! It's called highschool sweethearts! Hopefully I'll get it out next week...

Thanks for reading! Have a great day, remember to eat and drink water! Bye!

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