[𝟎𝟏.] 𝐬𝐧𝐨𝐰

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(Hi :> I'm so sorry this took so long to get out but my writers block came back and I couldn't finish any of the many oneshots I started, so this will be short and bad. Hope you enjoy anyways :) )

💖-also a timeskip to when their adults.

It was currently 1:00 A.M.

Two boys were currently sleeping cuddled up in many blankets due to the cold outside.

Well at least Kei was.

Tobio was wide awake, listening to the soft, steady breaths, and the quiet heartbeat of his partner.

His face was snuggled slightly into Kei's shoulder while hugging the him as well.

Soon Tobio got bored of staring at the small stickers attached to Kei's dresser and tried to wriggle his way out of his arms.

Somehow Kei didn't notice he was trying to get out of his grip so it was quite easy.

Once he had his feet on the ground he quietly went to the window.

He pulled back the curtains to show a sea of white snow.

His eyes lit up and he was no longer tired.

He turned to see his peaceful boyfriend and didn't want to wake him up but he really wanted to go outside.

He walked over to the bed.

"Hey Love?" He said shaking the taller slightly hoping he wouldn't be angry if he woke him up.

Kei groaned and opened his eyes.

"Tobio, I love you to death, but why the fuck did you wake me up."

"It's snowing..I wanna go out" Tobio pouted and hoped he would agree to go outside

Kei rolled his eyes, "you can't go out yourself? C'mon your a grown adult for gods sake."

"But I wanna go on like a snow date! We haven't gone on an actual date in forever."

Kei sighed, "Fine, let's get some warm clothes on and we can go somewhere."

Once they finished getting dressed in something other than matching dinosaur pajamas, they walked out the door.

As they walked to a nearby café hand in hand, Kei spoke up.

"Are we gonna play in the snow or something after this?

"Of course," Tobio said, "thats why were on a date, right?"

"Hmm..I suppose...whose paying? Cuz I pay for you alot..."

"Hey! I pay most of the time we go somewhere!"

"Mhmm, is that why you never buy me gifts?"

"..do you want me to buy you gifts?"

"I'm joking baby."

"Are you sure?" Tobio asked trying his best not to seem disappointed, Kei did so much for him, and he wanted to do things for the taller male as well.

"Yes. I'm sure. Leave that to me"


They walked into the café and out of the blizzard outside.

The café was quite simple but it had an amazing

They order some strawberry pancakes along with strawberry milk shakes.

"I can't believe you got me obsessed with strawberry things." Tobio scoffed as their food finally arrived.


After they finished and we're back in the snow Kei pulled Tobio back to their house to play in the snow

They played in the snow for a while, they made Snowmen resembling them.

Then when they got cold they went into their house and changed into clothes to sleep in.

"Hey Love?" Tobio asked.

"Yeah?" Kei replied as he grabbed another blanket for them.

"Can we cuddle?" Tobio said with puppy dog eyes since usually when Kei is more tired he won't let them cuddle.


Tobio smiled and the two cuddled until they fell asleep.


Hi hello- I suddenly realized while writing this that Tsukishima looks like that dude from the polar express-

Hi hello- I suddenly realized while writing this that Tsukishima looks like that dude from the polar express-

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Do they look similar or is it just me??

Anyways I hoped you liked this short oneshots that I FINALLY finished :)

Stay safe! Have a Good Day!

🥛🍰𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞/𝐤𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨🍰🥛Where stories live. Discover now