Aoi's Hunt

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Aoi managed to wander from her father's side as he prepared their food. She followed a grasshopper in a stealthy manner.

"Well, what've we got here? A little runt." She looked up to see two hunters from the nearby village.

"Hewo!" She beamed, showing her fangs making the hunters nervous.

"Aoi, dinner is... !!!!! Aoi?!" Sesshomaru began to run around in search of Aoi to find her and the hunters. Sesshomaru came up behind her and grabbed the men's shirts and held them high.

"It's the demon's father!" One hunter panicked.

"Hey, we were just looking at it." The other smiled uncomfortably.

"She is not an it." Sesshomaru hissed, tossing them away and watched them run.

"Who are they Daddy? And what's a runt?" Aoi hugged her dad's leg. Sesshomaru felt a twinge in his heart as he picked her up.

"It is a very beautiful girl." Sesshomaru lied. He knew well enough to keep this from Sora. She had suffered enough disappointment from her rejection from villagers for her relationship with him.

Sora was in no condition to worry. If Sora gave birth to a boy this time round, they would be welcomed to some demonic places. Including the palace... If most people heard that she was the reincarnation of a goddess, they would respect her more.


Sesshomaru slid open the door leading deep into his secret base. Sora sat up from her position on her raised futon. Her stomach swelled with the appearance of time working against them.

"Sesshomaru..." She smiled. Sesshomaru came over to her bedside, gently using his claws to caress her cheek. Sora seemed to be getting better everyday. They shared a kiss. Sesshomaru placed a hand on the top of her swelling bump, smiling at the movements and kicks he received.

"Only makes it more real..." She smiled.

"Yeah, I just wished I could've been here to witness the first." Sesshomaru sighed. This was nothing like her first pregnancy where they were seldomly apart.

"Things seem grim, but never doubt anything. Sunshine is on our way." She stated before looking aside. "We must find a place close to the palace before I give birth and we can't move. My mark is fading which means Tsukiyomi's presence will be more prominent in Aoi." Sora began to cry.

"You miss her more now." Sesshomaru brought her in close.

"I want to hold her so much. Does she even remember me?" Sora cried into his chest.

"Of course she does, I talk about you everytime I can. Aoi will recognize your scent. I promise. I can promise you this." Sesshomaru managed.

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