At Your Side Forevermore

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"Sesshomaru, as this vision fades, you will return to your previous position. I've made a sealing contract with you and Sora. If you harm her, you will be harming yourself." Toga glared at Sesshomaru before the vision suddenly ended.

"Lord Sesshomaru! There you are! Who is this?!" Jaken ran up to Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru looked down at the sleeping form of his supposed future bride. He bent down and touched her marking.

"That mark! Why Lord Sesshomaru that is just like yours!" Jaken shouted before being pounded on the head.

"Will you quit stating the obvious! She is the reincarnation of the child of Tsukiyomi and Amaterasu. My father sealed Tsukiyomi inside her and betrothed her to me." Sesshomaru stated flatly.

"The legend is true? Who would've thought that this human is a reincarnation of Chiasa?" Jaken looked at Lord Sesshomaru then the girl.

"Bring me some clothes from the nearby village." He said.

"Right away Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken stammered before running off.


Jaken had taken watch outside an abandoned cabin.

"So this is my betrothed, huh?" Sesshomaru looked down at the form. He had to change her clothes due to the stench of blood and what not. How unfitting of a demon his stature.

He began to strip her before blushing. For a human, her figure was erm...pretty nice. He never considered himself a pervert or what not, but her two breast bulged from their holder. He gulped. The small amount of light produced revealed her calm nature. His mark glowed slightly which caused...

Sesshomaru jumped as his hands flied down to his waist where he gripped something new. His face grew increasingly flushed as he became e r e c t. He became his old self with anger.

"Alright, human. You caused me to be this way. Jaken! Do not come in unless I call for you!" Sesshomaru called out as he stripped his clothes and bent in on her. His lips pressed harshly against hers as he carefully positioned himself before forcefully shoving himself up her. He groaned, gripping the floorboards.

She reacted slightly with a moan of ecstasy but otherwise remained unconscious. Sesshomaru looked down with his normal look of detachment. Once her body accepted his special extension, his pace roughened and sped up.

"Hah...hah....phew..." Sesshomaru moved aside finishing his business. He seemed unfazed or emotional. He dressed her then himself before returning to Jaken.

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