Tsukiyomi v. Amaterasu

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What is this...? Where am I?

Tsukiyomi, you've been fast asleep for several centuries. The reincarnation of our daughter is no longer your vessel or mine.

Then who harbors my curse?

None other than that of Toga's son and our daughter's blood's daughter. I've come from the heavens to bring you home.

Ah, Amaterasu...You never cease to let me rest in peace.

I've withdrawn from the world. My power to maintain form is dwindling. Soon I will just be nothing more than the sun, herself.

Did you ever consider the consequences of your disputes with me Amaterasu? We may have never been in our situations had you not taken away Chiasa.

I did what I sought was right! You were on the brink of killing every god and goddess. I enlisted the help of Sesshomaru's father, Toga to assist in your death, yet your death would cause Chiasa's demise as well.

Toga? Ah yes, I remember him well. That demon had no right in interfering with the affairs of the heavens.

Toga is dead.

How long ago was this?

Long ago, after Sesshomaru's younger brother was born. Half human to my surprise...

So he's changed his favor towards creatures of the sun and day, now has he? Betray me once, betray me twice, but never will there be a thrice.

Tsukiyomi, please, leave this world. Our dear Chiasa wishes to live in peace with Sesshomaru.

No, I cannot. Until my revenge is through, I will never sleep again. I will destroy everything Toga has loved, even if I destroy my own daughter.

Tsukiyomi... my time draws near...

Leave now Amaterasu or I shall take the remaining power you have. Nevermind that, I WILL take your power.


Sora awoke with a start in her bed.

"Lady Sora, are you alright?" She turned to face Jaken. She touched her forehead revealing sweat.

"I am fine, Jaken. But I fear Sesshomaru and Aoi will not be fine. Tsukiyomi is awake." Sora bowed her head.

"But I thought you sealed him away?!" Jaken panicked.

"I sealed him with the remaining power of Amaterasu. She gave me her strength when I was being chased. In my dream, Amaterasu has ...died." Sora gripped the futon.

"Died?! That's terrible! I must warn-" Jaken was quieted as Sora moved.

"That will not do. Sesshomaru will not be enough to stand up to Tsukiyomi alone. Only I know the way to defeat him."

"B-b-b-but my Lady! You are too far gone with child!" Jaken panicked. Sora's mind got to thinking. She recalled a medical documentary she watched what seemed ages ago in class.

She was far along enough to deliver a healthy baby. She knew she couldn't call upon a midwife or Kagome, Kaede. She had to do this alone, and with Sesshomaru.

"Fetch Lord Sesshomaru, Jaken. From my world we have a way of inducing labor. But you must be quick." Sora ushered. Jaken nodded and hurriedly ran out. Sora carefully began to follow procedure she remembered, thinking carefully as to not cause harm to herself or the unborn child.


"Not too fast now Aoi, you wouldn't want to choke." Sesshomaru stated as he watched her eat. He turned his head sharply to see Jaken fall from the sky after riding a demon.

"Lord Sesshomaru! It's begun! Tsukiyomi has awoken! Amaterasu has died! Lady Sora is-is-"

"Say no more, Jaken. Take watch of Aoi and Ah-Un, bring them back slowly." Sesshomaru commanded as he leapt into the air.

The air smelled of unruly demons shifting below the surface of the earth. Sora was right. Tsukiyomi was awake, and if they didn't hurry, Aoi would be consumed.

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