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"Sora." Sora's head tilted slightly from her focus on her locker.

"Oh, Kagome..." Sora's eyes widened at her classmate.

"I heard about your incident with your apartment. Well, technically, my mom did. She's invited you to stay the meantime in our house.

Sora hated to admit that her life had never been the best. She was the result of one night stand, and her mother worked herself ultimately to her death as a Police Officer. Her mother left a tolerable inheritance for her to live on. She worked small various jobs on weekends such as babysitting, yard work, or whatever she could find.

Her sole purpose in life though was to find her place in society. She was not the smartest, prettiest, or greatest person ever.

"Thank you, Kagome." She forced a smile.

Despite her troubles, she found solace in dance.

"I'll be at your Dance Practice to walk you home." Kagome smiled.

((Just for reference, my model for Sora is the classic Ballet Model of the White and Black Swan. The school is rehearsing Swan Lake so Sora is acting as Odile the Black Swan. In the actual ballet, Odette, the White Swan, also plays as the Black Swan.))

"Excellent Sora! Keep the arms positioned! Good!" The instructor watched with a careful eye as Sora twirled about the floor in her black outfit till she posed with heavy breathing.

"Great job, Sora!" Kagome cheered.

"Very good work, Sora. Continue your practice and this year's performance will be excellent." The instructor beamed.


"So, your dance team is doing Swan Lake, huh?" Kagome asked.

"Yes. It is my all time favorite ballet. I feel like I can really connect to the characters I am supposed to play. The White Swan of Light and Black Swan of night. Both very different personalities." She smiled honestly for once.

"I would get sick to my stomach doing all those spins. How many fouettes was that again you said?" Kagome giggled.

"32 of them. It's not to hard once you get used to the shoes and floor." Sora smiled.

She brushed aside her brown hair revealing a faint, but slightly dark crescent shape on her forehead. Kagome gulped.

"What is that?" She asked.

"Oh, I have no idea. I was born with it I think. I typically hide it." Sora fixed her school bag on her shoulder.

"Interesting." She smiled.


"You wretched child! One of these days you will become mine again and my powers reawakened!" A bright lady cursed.

"Once I consume you, you'll be mine again!" A dark man boomed.

Sora sat up suddenly, her hair falling back down to her sides as she touched her forehead which felt warm.

"Kagom-" The bed next to her futon was empty.

"Kagome, we need to go now. Sesshomaru is on the hunt again." She heard a Male's hurried voice. Her head pulsated. She gripped the floor as a sudden pain overcame her head that she whimpered.

"Sora!" Kagome opened the door to see a pained Sora. The girl stood her eyes glowing a demonic red with blue irises. Her hair turned a solid black. The crescent mark glowed a bright purple.

That name was all to familiar. She had been summoned....

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