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Sora tossed about her blankets. Her mind flurries as she found herself in a locked up chamber flooded with water ankle deep. She found a huge caged wall with a blatant seal on it. A dark cloud emanated within the walls.

"Are you the one they call Tsukiyomi?" She asked warily. The walls whined and chains swished.

"Yes...." A deep growl responded. She swallowed.

"Am I really....your daughter?"

"You are the shell of what she once was. A pitiful human body with me trapped inside. I find this so amusing and pathetic at the same time." The being growled.

"I....I....I'm gonna make sure you never reenter this world." She attempted to sound firm.

"Hah! You think you have the strength! I'll kill you first then pike your head on my horns!" He laughed.


"SORA!" Her eyes flew open as she took in a huge gulp of air like she had been drowning. For a second, she could've sworn she had seen a look of concern on Sesshomaru's face.

"..." She panted as she sat up. Her body was sticky from sweat and her bedding was slightly wet from sweat. She pressed a hand to her forehead.

"What happened?" Sesshomaru asked with a serious look.

"I....met....with Tsukiyomi." She managed.

"Hmm. This isn't good. That means he's awakening within your body. We need to be on look out. Go take a bath in the hot springs. I'll have Jaken fetch you some new bedding." Sesshomaru stood, turning to let her bathe.

Sora slowly walked to the springs before leaning against a rock, pressing her sweaty palm to her head.

"Why?" She hiccups as tears slowly fell down her cheeks.

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