That Sweet Honey (Request)

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A/N: Thank to JessicaMGarcia4 for suggesting this request! I am taking requests for the characters in the story. These can totally be pertained to the plot or separate from the entire plot altogether. How am I supposed to know if Sesshomaru and Sora really end up together? But this chapter acts as a possibility...

"Sora, does this look good?" She turned with a smile to see her boyfriend of a couple weeks dressed like a human. He had long black hair, a well built body, long black shirt, and black colored pants.

"You look absolutely handsome, Sesshomaru!" Sora giggled. She wore a nice 50s style dress that was black with white polka dots. Sesshomaru smiled, taking her hand in his.

"You'll probably be leading me around. I'm not to sure about this place. He attempted to be sarcastic.

"Of course! I wouldn't want you to get lost." She began to walk out of the shrine, sneaking away with Sesshomaru before anyone could see. They soon found themselves in town that was only slightly busy.

Sesshomaru looked at the glass windows with different things before noticing a ring with a similar shape to a wolf like form. Two small rubies were placed there for eyes on a golden body.

"It's pretty isn't it?" She smiled.

"I have never seen something so intricate." Sesshomaru was amazed by it.

"You want it? Let's go buy it!" She tugged Sesshomaru into the store by surprise.


"This ring is actually a couples ring. There is a female one for the price of one with the sale of 250 dollars." The shopkeeper showed them but without hesitation, Sora placed the money on the counter.

"I thought you didn't have much to spare." Sesshomaru said in a low voice.

"We need wedding rings at some point." Was her reply causing Sesshomaru to blush.

"Such a lovely couple." The shopkeeper handed over a bag with the ring boxes in it.


Nightfall came sweetly with the area lighted by soft moonlight. The couple strolled through the park over a bridge that hung over a small lake where swans peacefully swam.

Sora ran her hand along the wooden banister before she felt a grip on her arm. Her gaze turned to a normal demon Sesshomaru. His gaze was gentle and soft. It spoke quietly to her as he leaned in and kissed her. The two shared the lengthy kiss before he reluctantly exited it.

With his face kept at a close distance, his gaze met hers. She looked beautiful as the moon made her skin look like the most precious, creamy pearl, her moon mark standing out against the paleness.

"I love you, Sora. I intend to finish my duties in finding Naraku, and help you control your powers. I know my father intended for us to marry, but if it not happen, I would hope you would still come find me. I will never be able to live the rest of my long life without you. I love you more than anything, my blessed thousandth morning." Sesshomaru's amber eyes trembled with slight insecurity. Sora blushed before hugging him tightly.

"Yes. I promise to find you again and again if something happens. I love you Sesshomaru." She smiled nuzzling her face into his warmth as he hugged back. The words she heard so many times before seemed more honeyed and sweet.

The two exchanged their rings with loving smiles and a final passionate kiss before resting their foreheads against each other.

"Oh gross...." The two picked up a familiar voice and winced as the moment was broken. Kagome was fangirling over the situation at hand and Inuyasha was fake throwing up. Sesshomaru inwardly fumed with a red face at being discovered in such a vulnerable way. Sora giggled inwardly at this reaction.

She would remember this day, at least, the memorable moments.

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