The Show Must Go On

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The year's performance was to be Giselle. Sora was in her first official role as Giselle herself. She swallowed during an opening night.

"Hey Sora, right?" Sora turned to see the girl who was dance as Queen Myrtha. None other than the school's future Valedictorian, Jessica Garcia. She was a transfer student from a country she had since long forgotten but she spoke perfect Japanese.

"Yes?" Sora raised a brow, fiddling with her clammy hands.

"Do great tonight. I've seen you dance before. You've got a lot of potential yet you dont realize it." Jessica beamed. Sora blushed and rubbed the back of her head as the chatter died down for Act 2.

"I managed the first act so I guess I can do the second." She smiled slightly.

"Great! I've got to go." Jessica quickly changed her face and poise as she graced the stage with her royal presence.

Sora took her place beneath the trap door that led to a fake grave from which she would arise. She could see faint lights falling from the cracks. She dug her nails into her palm leaving a couple of marks.

The show had to go on...


Sora walked comfortably through the trees. She didn't ache anymore, but she never figured out who this Sesshomaru was.

Sure, she knew the tale. The story, but she got the vibe that he wanted nothing of her. At any moment, she could run, yet she didn't.

She had to finish this. It was her destiny.


"Lady Amaterasu, we've received word that Chiasa has reincarnated and is in this world." Another handmaid murmured.

"Is that so?" The queen smirked.

"Yes, no about if you remove her or eat her, your powers will return." A general bowed.

"Bring her to me....alive...." The mouth smirked.

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