Like Mother Like Daughter

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Sesshomaru walked through a forest, Jaken holding the reins of A-Un as they walked. Aoi rode on the back of A-Un per her father's orders. Aoi's nose picked up so many scents, new and strange, her ears flicked at the sound of new sounds. Truly, it was overwhelming for a dog-like demon, as well as a child.

Sesshomaru stopped and sighed, turning to face Aoi.

"Would you like to go around looking for food, Aoi?" Sesshomaru smiled slightly. A large smile spread across her small face as she pounced into her father's arms.

"Really?! Can I Daddy?!" She bounced in his arms.

"Yes, you are just a young half-demon. It's difficult to remain seated when so many things lie ahead." Sesshomaru moved her to cling to his back.

"Hurray!" Aoi cheered.

"Jaken, take A-Un approximately 50 lengths northeast. I will meet up with you there." Sesshomaru glanced back before darting into the denser parts of  the forest. Aoi squealed at the thrill of the moment. Sesshomaru thought back to a moment with Sora.

"Faster! Go faster! This is so fun!" Sora cried out as Sesshomaru carried her on his back.

Aoi looked and reminded him so much of Sora. Although Sora was going through pregnancy again, it seemed that she truly was out of the count or picture in a sense.

"If it's ever just you and her in a world with demons, take care of Aoi in my place. I know that isn't how you were raised, but please, do me this good turn and promise. If she's anything like me, she's bound to run into traps and near-death experiences. Plus, she contains the celestial power of Tsukiyomi. Sesshomaru, she is your flesh and blood." He recalled a conversation from when Aoi was a baby. Sesshomaru looked back at Aoi with a smile.

"I promise." He muttered under his breath.

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