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As Dempsey hoped the place in his mind is secure. With Love fallen asleep leaning on the window it gave him time to process what he had seen and what the next game plan is. Obviously the world has ended, god knows why, and there's no clue to what happened at the military base. Dempsey didn't want to know anyways—he didn't want to find out his buddies in war are all dead and eaten alive just hours after they were all drinking and having a good time...until the assault at least.

Dempsey drove them out of town and his truck is still full on gas, it takes a long time for this puppy to burn out, and that's why he prized this vehicle so much. This truck is his dream vehicle besides an actual army tank.

In the past few years the Dempsey's always had a special spot where they would go for vacation. This is the only place they go to when Dempsey is about to leave for battle or when he comes home and they go for celebration. There is a cabin that's far out of town and it's surrounded by trees. This cabin is theirs as they paid for it, and it's hidden pretty far in and there's a large pond behind it. If it's safe there then they have a new place to stay and build defense until they can figure stuff out.

He drove up to the cabin and pulled out his pistol, locking the truck for Love's safety while she's sleeping he held a flashlight in his other hand. Before he even thought to bring his wife inside he inspected the area to make sure it's empty, it looked the exact same as how they left it. It's empty.

Keeping the door open the Marine rushed back to the truck and opened her side. She woke up from the lift. "Honey I need you awake" he says to her "we're here"

"Where are we?" She stretches her arms out and popped her back.

"The cabin" he responds as he opened the back door and grabbed ahold of his gun bag, his ammunition bag, and one of the backpacks of food. He gave her the other bag. She wrapped it around her back. Locking the door again the couple walked inside the cabin and they've locked every door, every window, everything. They had a basement in the cabin, so they figured for now it would be safest to stay down there. If they needed to escape because of any emergency they had their ways.

They left their bags downstairs then they went to one of the bedrooms and snatched all the pillows and blankets from the beds and left them on the couch in the basement, they were going to live here so they needed to have a comfy place to sleep.

They settled in the basement and Dempsey locked the basement door tight. He looked down the stairs to see his wife is sitting on the couch hugging her knees. She seemed so nerve shocked from all of this, also from these visions she's seeing.

Love moved her head to the right, she could see a dead fox is laying on the table against the wall, blood tears are falling down its eyes. Sitting on a chair beside it she could see a dead deer is sitting like a human staring right at her with blood tears dripping down to the floor. The walls are covered with blood pouring down the floor. She could hear footsteps echo in her ears as her husband came down the stairs, when she looked at him she could see a familiar figure. A black figure covered in blood with eyes the brightest yellow, she couldn't remember it's the guys from the military base. He looked at her with the brightest and pointiest smile with knife for teeth covered in blood from his last feasting. He touched her shoulder and she could see Dempsey sit down next to her and it went normal.

Love crawled on her husbands lap and wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her head into his neck. He cradled her by his strong arms around her back holding the only thing he has left close to him. She felt comfort in his gentle kisses on her neck.

"Dempsey..." Love muttered quietly with her eyes closed. She could hear her husband hum to her, waiting for whatever she had to say. "If we don't make it out alive...are you happy you lived your life with me?" She asked so quietly, it almost broke Dempsey's heart to hear she's half already giving up. He used his hand and grabbed her chin and he moved her head to look at him.

"We're not going to die—I promise you that." Dempsey tried to encourage his wife who needed it the most. She didn't know how to use a gun, she is a burden to him it feels. He'd be better off surviving without her. "Never question my happiness when it comes to being your man, I love you, even more now since we were just teenagers. You hear me?"

"Yes sweetie..I'm sorry.."

"Please don't apologize to me either" he sighs and he pulled her in for gentle kisses. "If it wasn't for you, I don't know if I'd be dead or alive today. You're the love of my life and I fight for my life for you. I promise you that, Mrs. Dempsey."

Love blushed, she couldn't hide her grin. She's so in love with the man she is lucky to hit the jackpot and win his heart over many girls who wanted him in high school. Many of them just wanted him because he was attractive, but she wanted him for him. And obviously, Dempsey wanted her for her.

"I love you many, Mr. Dempsey" she blushed kissing his cheek, Dempsey blushed and looked down at her waist. With a smirk he moved his hand and started to poke at her ticklish spot, she jerked back and giggled. "Stop it!"

"Or what?" Dempsey chuckled and touched her ticklish spot again, she jerked away again and laughed harder.

"Stop I said!"

"Or what I asked!" Dempsey laughed again, he picked a new spot to tickle this time and she just smacks his arm away.

"You're mean, Thomas."

"And you're sexy, Hannah."

"Stop that" Love blushed red at her husbands adoring words.


Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now