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The new day is calm and the wind is barely blowing, humidity is moist and temperatures are getting warmer and warmer by the hour. The ponds are calm and barely moving with the slowly paced wind, kissing Love's skin as she dipped a bucket into the water and scooped some up. Through the water she seen a reflection, she could clearly see what looked like her but without from within like before.

Her reflection looked up at her from beneath the rippling water, with some features differ. Instead of wearing her outfit she wore for years now it seemed, the reflection looked like she wore a long white dress, not a wedding dress, but a Sunday dress. A dress that would have bat wings if she held her arms to the sky. Her hair is long and looked black, that's probably because she's underwater because Love doesn't have black hair, and her eyes...oh her eyes...are the most midnight eyes you could see. The devil's eyes. Her skin is ivory, she looked like a living corpse. But regardless, she was very beautiful besides all those horrid features.

Love couldn't tell if it was just her brain playing tricks on her again, because Jack wasn't reacting to seeing a person drowning, she didn't think that he could smell her flesh either.

Something told her to not reach down to see what it was. But she had her shoulders full of heavyweights with the devil on one shoulder and a angel on the other. The devil told her to grab her hand while her angel begged her not too.

The figure had its boney hand reaching up to Love's hand, the hand had sharp black nails and lifting her hand above water her boney skin grew to normality like magic. The angel on Love's shoulder begged her to walk away and this entity was dangerous while the devil smiled a wide cheshire smile and said the complete opposite.

Love is a person to not judge a book by its cover, we've seen this with how she first treated Richtofen. And the way she's way too naïve, evident by the strangers she chooses to trust, best evidence is how she treated one of Dempsey's friends to take her around just to be killed.

Both voices screamed in both Love's ear, both with separate opinions, and yet she couldn't come up with a opinion herself. She was just so...lost.

After giving little thought to each side, Love reached her hand down to touch her beautiful hand. Her hand was cold as ice, which makes sense because she's drowning under cold water. Once they touched hands, Love could see her open her mouth wide and she could see multiple sets of the brightest white sharp teeth like a megalodon shark.

The entity pulled her arm down closer so they were really close to nose, Love could smell blood in the entity's breath, she couldn't tell if the blood was either dead or fresh. "Come down" the figures voice is raspy and for a pretty face and body, the sour taste didn't match with her. Love was now pulled into the shading pond opening a entrance for her, she was dragged down immediately and she was falling in a black room. Pitch black. "Come around when you're coming down" Love heard her voice again echo in her head while she's screaming not knowing what is happening or if her head is playing even bigger jokes on her right now. The voice lightly laughed at her while she fell into oblivion.

The petrified woman made a harsh landing when she finally reached a bottom after wondering if this would be for eternity. She found herself now laying in placid terror over a stone cold floor. Looking around her surroundings the walls are levitating black water, so she's under water but breathing air? "Jack?" Love whispered looking at the giant hole above her where she fell, she could see the gray and gloomy clouds above the sky, that's the only way out and she had no idea how she'd be able to get there. The levitating walls would drown her immediately if she tried to swim that speeding current.

"Jack....Tank....Troy" the sour voice says again, this time not in her head, the woman was in the same room as her. Sitting up Love watched as the beautiful embodiment of her as a living corpse walk to a intimidating distance from her before she sat down. "What beautiful names for beautiful....sacrifices"

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now