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"The House"

Primis vision flashed white after completing their main task for this broken and damp swamp. They had no idea what was happening to them, but feeling that the ground vanished from their feet let them know they're no longer at the swamp. Richtofen only hopes that his friend is taking them to him. Only then will they have a big break.

While all Love could see is white blinding her eyes, she could hear voices in her head, as if there are people standing right in front of her, but there was no one there. Not even her wolves. The voices are slightly drowned out by the sound of a long going beep by a monitor.

"Is there anything you can do?!" It was Dempsey. As if he was standing right beside her, but nothing.

"I'm sorry Mr. Dempsey, but there is nothing we can do." Then there is a voice of a stranger after him. A male. He sounded like a older gentleman.

"Please, she's the only thing that keeps me happy..."

"I'm truly sorry Mr. Dempsey, but if she doesn't wake up in the next set of hours we have to file her as deceased. I wish we could do more."

Love? Deceased? She doesn't feel like she's dead. But she's alive and...not thriving at all...if she was thriving and well then she wouldn't have all these dreams and hallucinations trying to kill her every second of the day. Her Dempsey sounded so afraid and sad when talking to whoever it was he was talking to. Her best guess is he's talking to a doctor. She has no idea what is going on, and she didn't want to know what's going on for her health. Even though that might be a selfish gesture.

• • •

Their bodies are released from the white vision and their eyes are allowed to adjust to the dark and beautiful colored and broken dimension that's kept together by tape. In the sky they see a gigantic Apothicon flying around the area, he seems friendly enough. He's not showing any hostile feelings towards their new guests. But that was different for the wolves, seeing that flying creature startled them into growling and showing dominance with their sharp teeth and claws sticking out their paws.

"Where...are we?" Love asks when they all took a look around their surroundings. They heard Richtofen mutter under his breath so surely he had to know something.

"We are here" Richtofen whispers under his breath "Maxis..." looking ahead of them they can see the house behind a grand concrete staircase leading up to the house. The house has a humble exterior decorating, it looked cozy inside. But that's just a guess on the outside perspective. Richtofen walked forward and started his walk up the staircase and he's followed by Nikolai and Takeo. While the Dempsey's stayed back, just because Love stopped her husband from moving forward.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"Who were you talking to?" Love asked calmly and curiously, and by the look of confusion on her husbands face told her she probably shouldn't have asked.


Knowing there wasn't a chance of going back with a guy like her husband she just went ahead and dragged it on. "In the light, I heard you talking to someone...it wasn't one of them."

"I wasn't talking to anybody, you must be hearing things Love. Let's go inside alright? We've all had hard times for a long time and we just want a break. Maybe we're getting it here."

"I hope so.."

The Dempsey's proceed to walk up the concrete stairs with the wolves escorting them at both their sides. Troy never got his eyes off the flying Apothicon doing no harm to them, but his defensive guard dog trait doesn't care for his friendliness.

The rest of Primis waited for their arrival before Richtofen opened the front door without a single knock. They cautiously walked in and the room is fairly lit, they found themselves in a living room of a nice home. The room is just as humble as the exterior looks. "Where are we?" Love asked again after not getting a answer the last time. This time she got a answer.

"The place I mentioned before." Richtofen says not looking at anyone. He kept his head forward looking for the basement he knew Maxis had. He knew this house because he's been here before.

"Where I am going to be fixed?!"


They seen a set of stairs leading down the house so logically it lead to the basement. Richtofen smiles walking towards the stairs but on the way down he bumped into Maxis coming back up. "Oh!" They both go holding hands on their heads.

"Edward Richtofen" Maxis says when he realized his old friend stood in front of him.

"Ludvig Maxis" Richtofen chuckled and they both hugged and pat one another's backs. Just a friendly German gesture to one another.

"About time you showed up" Maxis says "come to the kitchen, all of you."

• • •

Making it to the kitchen everybody sat down at the long maple dining table decorate with candle statues and a chandelier over the table. Maxis passed around bottles of wine to everybody, they all needed something sweet and alcoholic to release some stress they've endured all that time. Dempsey and Love shared a bottle because there was no way Love would drink a whole bottle and Dempsey wasn't gonna get drunk,

They sat around and had adult on adult conversions with Dr. Maxis about what they had gone through while jumping time to time and dimension to dimension. Maxis seemed empathic and understanding of their stress, though he couldn't imagine going through it himself....for a guy who tried to control a white eyed zombie in passed time.

Then the conversation about Love's head came in tuition by Richtofen's doing. It wasn't going to be Dempsey to bring it up, mostly because he doesn't trust any German so he wouldn't trust this stranger to fondle with his wife's head, better yet her BRAIN. And Love wasn't going to mention it because she's nervous to speak to the new guy she just met.

Then the idea of Maxis taking a look at her brain came into talk because Richtofen knew Maxis would have the equipment and the brains to do it.

Maxis listened to his friend with open ears while staring at the woman in question, reading her eyes she looked nervous and too frightened to talk to him, which is understandable.

"You see Maxis, she needs help and I know you would be the best person to go to."

"I see" Maxis nods while looking at her, Love rose her walls around her, "I suppose it can't hurt to check your brain activity and if it's critical then surgery's can happen"

"Really?" Love asked, the first time Maxis heard her voice, he found her voice to be sweet and soft. Maxis nods. It was some sort of relief to her, but her fears are still intact.

"What kind of surgeries would happen if it's needed?" Dempsey, being a worried husband, asks him calmly.

"If there is a part in her brain, mostly where she had a hard hit to the head, with high trigger activity then the best thing for me to do is cut that piece of brain out." Hearing Maxis say that calmly, because he's a professional, made Love cringe. Hearing that a part of her brain being cut out didn't help at all. Seeing her cringed face Maxis nods to her confirming it.

Love shrugged her shoulders "whatever will get the monsters out my head" she mutters under her breath with a nod. "Let's get it done."

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now