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Love ran as fast as her legs could carry her along a damp and wet jungle grounds while having something chase after her. Both Jack and Troy ran right in front of her as if they were leading the way, anywhere the wolves go of course she's going to follow them.

Hungry growls grow louder right behind her ears as the monster came closer to her, almost close in range to grab her and pull her in for a bite. She had to kick her speed up a little more.

Jack and Troy ran down sets of stairs into what seems like an entrance to a bunker. Beside it is another building and a field. They didn't go into the bunker, smartly, they could've gotten trapped in there. Instead they turned for the next building, they can escape from the back door if they don't get caught unluckily.

Whatever happens, Love trusted her guard dogs knew what they were doing. They defended a King and they downgraded to protecting little ol' her.

Turning her head for a split second she could see a thresher is right behind her rear with its body full of vines and orange spores are covering its body.

The thresher swung one of his vines towards her legs to trip her but she jumped up dodging that hit. Calling for her dogs for help, they ignored her, but not maliciously, they were still planning their escape.

Running inside B station the dogs ran up the stairs and Troy busted down the double doors by slamming himself against it.

They ran inside to take a breath, that's because Love realized she wasn't being chased anymore. That's strange..he was just here!

Love stayed by Jack's side while a gush of nerves slushed to her brain unsure of what to do. Troy rushes up the stairs scouting the rest of this small station. As soon as they watched him come back down the stairs he made a run for it out the back door, so Jack and Love followed him.

At the door they all jumped when a Thresher unexpectedly jumped down from the ceiling swinging his vines. He hit Troy by the side of his furry head with that vine which enraged the wolf. Both Troy and Jack jumped on the thresher and Troy bit the head of the thresher and yanked it clean off while Jack started digging into its viney body, tearing it to bits and pieces pulling every vine away to the floor.

They made a run for it again, the wolves jumped down and Love used a ladder to get down, she couldn't trust herself to not crash on the ground if she jumped. She followed her dogs once again. They could hear distorted sounds and clicks on the floor come closer to them, that's when they realize a pack of giant spiders started to chase after them. The sight of the spiders made Love sick to her stomach, just the sight their long arms and giant body  made her sick. The spiders crawled quickly to her so they ran faster.

Troy lead his brother and his owner to what looked to be a light in a tunnel gated by vines. The dogs jumped over the gates of vines and Love had to jump over them too. Walking into the light they found themselves in a beautiful sunny field full of beautiful flowers all over the ground.

She seen red and white roses, which is her favorite kind of flower. She also seen tulips and sunflowers bathing in the sunlight.

The two dogs ran into the field in happiness and they tackled each other in their bed of roses. This is too good to be true. Love thought to herself. There had to be a catch, what's the catch?

She ignored that negative thought, this place is beautiful why waste that? She took a step forward into the beautiful shining meadow and that's when things got dark. All of the flowers died in thousands and she walked along the meadow full of dead flowers under her feet.

Peddles of dead flowers started to fall from the sky while she was trying to process what was happening. Why a beautiful meadow turned dead in one step? "Troy! Jack! Let's go!.....Troy? Jack?.....boys?" She looked around the room and seen that her two wolves turned to skeletons laying flat on the ground. She dropped down to her knees and caressed her fingers over her wolves bones while gentle tears rolled down her face.

This is madness

This isn't okay

Why won't it stop?!

When will it stop?!

Will she live to see it stop? Or is she stuck in this never ending Hell forever?

• • •

The wolves howl to the giant moon in the sky as nightfall came in close, everybody is tired and everybody just wants sleep. As snow fell from the sky Love stroked the fur of both her dogs while she listened to the music of their howls in her ears.

She could hear light tapping on a window from behind her, she turned her head to see Dempsey has been waiting for her attention. She knew he was gonna tell her to come in before she got frost bite, she wasn't wearing much to be in the snow. She was ready for bed after all.

Without saying anything she nods her head and followed her husband inside the castle into their room with the dogs beside her.

Jack and Troy jumped on their bed and both lied down on their stomachs, these dogs are huge so now there isn't much room for a big man and a small woman. "Okay, so how is this supposed to be fair?" Dempsey said coming in to see his wife is already on her side of the bed hugging Jack like a teddy bear, she had her head on his back like a pillow. Troy took up Dempsey's side of the bed being the biggest wolf here. "Where am I going to sleep?"

"On the floor" Love says casually while she strokes her dogs fur, Dempsey knew she was joking, or he thought she was. Jack looked at her husband with his chocolate brown eyes licking his snout then he let out a yawn before laying his head down. Dempsey lets out a sigh shaking his head before he somehow managed to squeeze into their bed. Troy had to sleep in between them as if he's their toddler. The dog had his back on Dempsey and Love had a face of fur, but she didn't mind it at all.

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now