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The Dempsey's are in a dimly lit master bedroom, where action had just taken place. The bed is messed up and broken and the atmosphere is warm. Clothes are thrown on the floor and they are going to stay there for the rest of this young night.

She is warm by his warm touch holding her close to him. She is on his lap holding her hand on his chin forcing him to look up at her.

They're both so tired, but this bliss couldn't end so soon. Dempsey moves his strong hands up her back up to her shoulder blades, she shivered with that warmth. He grabbed her hair and pulled it down exposing her neck more to him, he gave her gentle kisses on her neck and she loved it. Stroking his hair back she pulled his head back up so he'd look into her lustful eyes.

Leaning her head forward she gently gave sweet kisses on his soft lips while he pulled her up closer. Bliss. Love. Light.

The kisses didn't stop, she didn't allow it to stop, and Dempsey wasn't going to object to them either.

He could feel her reaching for something across from them but still pressing his lips, he did nothing about it. He just let it be while he held onto her waist tighter.

Suddenly he felt a sharp pain and a cold spot on his back as blood gushed out of his mouth. Love pulled the knife out his back and licked his blood that dripped down her mouth. Dempsey looked at her with shock in his eyes. How could she do such a thing to him?!

Her eyes are bright yellow looking down on him with a smirk. Moving her finger over his mouth she whispered quietly "shhh"  Dempsey is panting with his air giving out, she laid him on his back and held her hand over his mouth. "Shhh" she looked so sinister now, doing something so evil to her partner.

Love held her knife again and stabbed Dempsey once again, this time directly across his heart and he didn't survive that stab wound. She watched them light leave his eyes and they closed.

As soon as Dempsey died, it was like a switch flipped in Love's brain and she came back to her senses. Her husband is dead.

"Dempsey..." Love muttered with her voice quivering, she looked at the knife in horror and she dropped it on the floor. Shaking his shell as if that will do anything to this soulless shell. "Dempsey please! This isn't funny!" She started to cry looking at her husband is now away.

Dempsey fades away
Love is barely hanging on by a thread

Til death they said now that they're just dying to find a way out of this nightmare. 

• • •

Love sat up immediately with her shot eyes looking around the dark and cold room. She is naked and the covers are keeping her warm, that and the big hibernating bear sleeping beside her with his muscle arms around her waist. Snoring like a alpha lion.

Remembering her nightmare, she hovered over Dempsey's sleeping body and she pulled his back over forcing him to roll over, nothing ever wakes this bear up. She examined his back for stab wounds, he's naked too, she seen no stab wounds or blood in sight.

Sitting back up against the beds designer crate she silently cried out of frustration and fear. She knew something was wrong with her but no one said what it is, obviously she's not crazy because she sees what only she can see. How would they feel if they saw what she did? It's surprising that Richtofen doesn't suffer with this too, he only hears voices, lucky son of a bitch.

Using her fist to clean the salty tears from her eyes she seen a bright flash of blue and white flash before her eyes. Hearing a wolf howl she watched Jack jump on their bed and lay down right by her and Dempsey's legs.

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now