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Hannah looked down at her notebook as she started to draw random things to occupy herself waiting for the teacher to show up. In her classroom all of the boys in the back kept laughing and talking, having a good time in a hell prison. They were talking about video games and who would win in what fight against who, typical boys things.

Her chin rested over her palm showing she's tired, she hasn't been getting much sleep lately. Not even coffee could help her slumber crave. Nothing is wrong with her, she's just been so caught up in schoolwork. She's the type of an over achiever, she has to get her work done as soon as possible so she doesn't stress herself in the future but that only causes her more stress in the present.

She stayed focused on her drawing, she is in her Biology classroom. She wanted to take a Biology class because animals is her love after all, well, after Thomas...or Tank.

Thinking about her future husband made her blush, she knew Tank was the one. He has been nothing but loyal to her and he is always there for her when she needs him. Vise versa.

Hannah would tell him when she is in pain for any reason and he'd come over and lay in bed with her until she fell asleep, he'd bring her coffee when he picked her up to go to school with him, it's the little things Tank did she loved.

The way he walked, the way he talked, the way he gave her butterflies just by breathing. It's the way he was him.

The sound of a loud bang shot through her brain as the front door slammed. When she looked up she could see today she had a substitute teacher watching them today, it's the same substitute that every class wish they had. He's a older man that they all knew since kindergarten (he's been around that long) and he used to tell the kindergarteners stories of him in the past to make them laugh, regardless if they're fake or real. The kids always loved him, it never changed for the seniors.

Everyone went silent when they watched him come in, they were happy to see him rather than their Biology teacher, they knew because he was here then they got to have time to themselves.

"I'm here" the sub says setting his satchel down at the teachers desk "I wasn't left any notes of your instructions; just don't do drugs and no smoking!"

Of course, boys being boys they basically say "oh man!" To having to stop smoking and doing drugs "quick hide the drugs!"

"Hide my cigarettes!"

The sub lightly laughed understanding the boy's humor, he used to have the same one after all, he sat down at the teachers desk and pulled out a novel he was going to continue reading. "Do whatever you want just don't cause problems like you—" he points to Hannah "you look like you start problems" Hannah blushed with her smile "do you start problems?" She shakes her head

"My boyfriend does." She only responds keeping her smile. The sub laughed again and left her alone. Hannah flipped her page to a new sheet, holding her red ink pen she started to draw.

Hannah is really good when it comes to art, she's practiced many years of her life and she's improved so much in art styles each year. At first she could only draw cartoons, now she can draw semi realistic pictures and cartoons. Her goal is to perfectly draw portraits before graduation. For different occasions Hannah would draw her boyfriend pictures, most of them being of him and her together, then other times she'd draw him his favorite things. Everything she drew for him he kept, the ones of them two together he has hanging on his bedroom wall. Not because Hannah told him to hang them there.

With a Polaroid of Hannah and Tank together right in front of her she started to draw it. It's a photo where Tank held the camera making a silly face and Hannah is holding her arm around his neck and she's kissing his cheek.

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now