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Zombies came running in every corner of the plane crash site where Love and Jack stayed, they only stayed here because they seen a planting pot laying there ready to be used.

Standing inside the plane the two had each other's backs while they wiped out their horde. Jack ran over to a crowed and jumped on a zombie and pushed him back and the group up zombies fell over like bowling pins losing to a strike.

A zombie got ahold of Love coming close to bite her, but she held her hands by its head and she reached inside her pocket and jams her Bowie knife in its head and kicked the corpse off her. Holding her Ray Gun again she shot red rays over at the enemy's and they all tipped down over flooded grounds.

Looking back at the exit she could see a mutant spider come running in. She watched as the critter jumped high like a rabbit and he moved his hands in quick circular motions wounding a web at the exit just making sure she couldn't leave before he made a charge for her. He's clearly mad one of his friends previously had his pink life sucked out of him.

Before the spider could get close enough Love shot the Ray Gun in his face, she could hear his screeching before he exploded to pink and red. It looked like a gooey valentine surprise.

Jack came running back shaking his tail, Love checked his body Incase of any bites or scratches since he was gone for quite some time but he was fine physically. He wasn't crying or bleeding so she assumed he was just fine.

Walking over to the webbed covered exit, Love grabbed her knife again and wiped it on mossy rocks beside them for sharpening and cleaning purposes before she cut through the webs, she started from the bottom cutting enough to make a exit for Jack to leave first and clear out what he sees, then Love exited. "Are we good?" Jack barks while he shakes his tail "good....oh! Look!"

Across the way underneath damped jungle trees rested another planting pot so Love ran over and dropped on her knees. Jack ran over as we'll and he used his sharp claws to dig a deep hole out of the dirt so she could drop of a seed she found inside. Then using some of the blue contaminated water they found she poured some in the dirt after Jack buried the seed in the ground. "We will see what happens from here" smiling, Love scratches behind Jacks ear which is one of his favorite places to be scratched.

• • •

Primis sat around a campfire Nikolai built right outside of Station B. They made sure all the zombies were wiped out before this though. The dying day is as calm as any dying apocalyptic day could be.

Drinking sugary perks and eating out of cans, even the dogs got their share of dinner. Both Jack and Troy got their own Juggernog drink and they had their own cans of cooked beans they ate out of while the adults were talking.

The bonfire dances with wood planks holding her in place, her burning desires kept the humans warm while they shivered for some time back in Austria.  Her presence is as comforting as the light from the man in the moon.

"If I must be honest vith meinself...I thought ve would all be dead by zhe last location." Richtofen admits looking at the four humans looking at each other, if they were honest with themselves too they wouldn't think they would've lasted this long either.

"It shows how much capability we have to get through this horrific time." Takeo speaks up after, earning nods from his friends.

"Part of me wishes ve stayed in zhat damned castle."

"Why did we leave then?" Love asked, minus the frost bite and hypothermia attacks, the castle was one of the best places they stayed since the apocalypse started. Since traveling to a jungle they went right below square one, square zero.

"I wanted me—us—tzo go tzo ein better place zhan zhat..." he let out a sigh, this told them he didn't feel much confident on if he could make that happen or not.

"I'm surprised there is a place better than the ancient castle." Dempsey says as he gave what left he didn't want of his beans to his wife, she will gladly take it.

"Zhere is..actually..." Richtofen shrugs "just not in zhis world."

"I'd say you're lying..but...anything can happen at this point."

"Where is this location then? How would we get out of this world to be there?" Love was curious about it, it felt kind of exciting to her, and at the same time very scary.

"It's ein House ein friend of mine lives in....he vill let us stay vith him."

"More Germans?"


"Ve worked together before zhe outbreak. Ein much better scientist zhan me by tiers und records" Richtofen lightly chuckled. "Und if we are honest, he could do more for Frauline's head than I could." Hearing that shot a nerve in her brain, that's something she's been waiting to hear, somebody doing something to her brain and stop her never ending nightmares.

both Dempsey's reacted in different ways. "Really?!"

"Say that again?"

"I don't know if he could do anything major but something he can surely do. We just need to get there......somehow."

"Well figure it out we need to go there!"

"He iz waiting for our arrival. I know zhat much."

Dempsey stares at the German raising his eyebrow showing some mistrust towards him. He had his questions and his doubts while his wife, so naïve and innocent, is smiling widely and so excited to get this said treatment. As a husband he needed to be the one to look out for her, if he has his questions he has to ask more questions until he understands the situation. Someone in the relationship has to be like that anyways.

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now