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The sky turned grayer with more ashy clouds rolling in pouring heavier snow on the only men and woman alive in the alps of Austria. After Love woke up in that comfy bed, they agreed to find buildings that looked useful to them for survival. Love wondered if there was a hospital lying around, Dempsey wanted any place with an armory.

With how high the snow laid it was like they are walking on eggshells that went up to their knees. It would be a Christmas miracle if Richtofen doesn't have to amputate either one of their legs from frost bite. Love could feel hers go numb slowly but surely.

She held her hand over her face preventing snowflakes from falling right into her eyes, it wasn't like they could see in the fog anyways. Dempsey stood in front of his wife while the two big dogs lead the way, finding a place for them to hide.

"Dempsey.....I cant see—"

"We're getting closer I think" Dempsey assures her following the paw prints of the wolves dug in the piling snow. They didn't know where they were going but they needed to get somewhere.

• • •

It was a freezing hassle but the Dempsey's ended up finding a abandoned factory with the help of Troy and Jack's guidance.

At first, Love couldn't open the door, the locks were froze shut. Then Dempsey came in clutch and kicked the door down, shattering every piece of glass into tiny specs. If there are undead around then they are really attracted now.

They allowed the dogs inside first before they went inside. The building is pitch black with very dim emergency lights around the corners are turned on.

"what do you think they made here?" Love asked looking at her husband walking back by her side once he boarded up the doorway he shattered.

"Anything the Germans wanted" Dempsey snickered, he never seen eye to eye with Germans, especially since he met Richtofen, he can't seem to open his mind for a couple minuets for a professional chat. Love didn't understand that, then again, she's more innocent here. Dempsey has a guard dog mindset and violence on the brain being in the marines for so long, it's a natural instinct he can't get rid of so fast.

Pulling out a sniper rifle, Dempsey shoves the mag into its slot. "I'm going on high ground" he tells her and hands her one of his revolvers. "Take a look around, and be careful please"

"I'll be fine" she assures her man while she takes his revolver away, looking at the magazine making sure it's full, of course it's full and off safety. "Hey Troy, go with Dempsey"

Shaking his tail, Troy sat up and followed Dempsey up the cemented staircase with rusted banisters holding on for dear life. Jack came up to his person and licked his nose looking at her with his beautiful eyes.

"Let's look around then..." Love says to her dog while her boys scouted the upper floors they had the bottom floor. It was the safest for Love.

Dempsey and Troy disappears fast leaving behind the echoes of Dempsey hitting his boot heels on the staircase. Looking down at Jack, she stroked his neck and she watched him shake his tail.

Walking down some rooms they found themselves in a office area with a small kitchen inside. Love opened the door and allowed Jack in first to scout the area for her, when he barked it meant the room was safe. She came inside and had a look around. The office is worn and beaten down, it looked like a world war happened in here and nobody won that battle. There is corpses laying in the corners, she hoped they were dead.

Obviously there wasn't going to be much resources in a destroyed room like this, so they left. Hoping another room would be actually useful rather than beaten and worn down.

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now