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During this time of being captured, the four friends took advantage of the time to get to know each other. Just so they could all feel more comfortable with one another. Occasionally Richtofen would come by and share some words and German slangs even when he knew they couldn't understand him.

The time Love feared came around when she needed to change her bandage. This moment she dreaded tremendously because she's trapped with two men that's never seen any of her skin besides arms, legs, face, and now most of her stomach. She was not about to let them see her vulnerability.

Richtofen came back with more of the red substances in glass bottles and gave them
To the group. Love had to say something for herself or she's going to have a mental breakdown in the corner in any minuet. "Look Richtofen, I really need that bag now and I need privacy for a couple minuets."

Richtofen understood. He walked out of the double doors and went for her desired bag and came back with it. "I vill take jou somewhere liebe."

"Thank you." Love took the bag and walked out the gate he opened, the rest stayed behind because Richtofen was not allowing them to leave. The Doctor locked the cage back up and pulled out his revolver from his pocket and aimed it at the back of her head. Love knew she was harmed by this. She rolls her eyes "I'm not going to try anything."

"I understand zhat, but it 'tis just precaution." Richtofen shrugs his shoulders and Love rolled her eyes again. "nothing personal."

Taking quick glances around her surroundings Love noticed that she is in a prison. The two walked along a hallway of jail cells after cell. "Where are we?"

"Alcatraz Island, zhis place has been empty for many years. Und nein undead has been here for ein while. Trying to swim back tzo zhe city will lead tzo instant death. Tis is very safe here." Love widened her eyes in confusion, they were in San Francisco?

"How did we get here then?"

"Did jou forget boats are ein thing?" Richtofen laughed at her while he followed her really closely. "Dragging four unconscious bodies is harder zhan I thought. No matter, jou are here now.

"Risking your life for four strangers...how romantic."

"Risking mein life?" He laughed again "Nein liebe, jou have nein idea how much I've risked mein life before zhis. Und zit was very risky."

"Okay tough guy..."

Richtofen escorted her to a empty bathroom. She walked into the women's side and locked the door from him. She looked around to make there there is no corpses around like back at the mall. When she seen she's alone she's able to help herself.

She took a while in the bathroom because she sat down and leaned against the wall taking a breath once she was done. She didn't care for how annoyed the doctor would be to keep him waiting. "Is everything alright in zhere?" Richtofen speaks up looking back at the door, he grabbed the door knob and twists the handle, of course it's locked.

"I'm fine. I needed this silence." She mutters then standing back up with her backpack wrapped around her back she walked out the door. "I want to go back to my husband."

Richtofen nods and this time he stuffed his weapon back in his pocket, he trusted this woman didn't have the capabilities to kill him. Or to even hit him.

They arrived to the prisoner holdings where Dempsey is anxiously waiting for Love to come back. He saw her arrive and he felt relieved to see she's okay. She places a pill on the tip of  her tongue then snatches his drink from him and swallowed her pill. Richtofen locked the cage back up. "I vill be back with jour dinner, lady und gentlemen" Richtofen nods his head before he turned around and walked away.

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now