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Tank boosted his wife up over knocked down mail trucks blocking the road. Siting at the top she pulled her husband up with her then she helped Takeo and Nikolai up. The group had no idea where they are going, they hoped that where they were going is somewhere good.

What are the odds of finding a abandoned city so they can have a play to stay? Anywhere is safer than being exposed out to the wide open where anything could just show up and kill them.

They walked down a long and broken road for who knows how long until darkness started to come, then they started to see tall buildings in the far distance. It's a city! It's a actual city! Finally! They hoped to find a random house or maybe a empty hotel for them to sleep in. If there is a hospital somewhere hey could scavenge for medical supplies, or Love can find some bandages.

They walked to the city feeling very nostalgic, not being in a city for many years and just hiding in basements days and night. It was a odd feeling but at the same time, a good feeling to have.

"Do we split up?" Nikolai asks looking back at his friends once they made it safely inside the city.

Takeo shrugs his shoulders "that would be the most ideal thing to do, make things faster. We meet up somewhere at midnight."

Dempsey thought about it, being the leader of this group he had to make all the decisions. "Nikolai and Takeo will scavenge one side of the city and Love will come with me to the other side, take anything you think will help us survive and we meet up right here too look for a place to stay. Surely there is a hotel somewhere, if not there is houses somewhere." The group agreed to this plan so they parted ways.

As expected, they found a broken down hospital standing right in front of them. They wanted to explore the building first.

The inside is beaten down covered in blood and corpses. Seems during the breakout the undead had a delicious appetizer. Handwritten in blood all over the wall they could read.




Reading those messages is unsettling to say the least. Especially with bloody handprints besides the letters. "There has to be medicines here somewhere." Dempsey starts off as the two stepped over the decaying corpses.

"Hospitals have labs" Love informed him after that thought came to her mind. Being in school for medical care she remembered that very quickly. "Maybe in a basement or another floor."

Dempsey cringed thinking about going to a lab,  he thought there would be zombies in there just lurking around, because that stereotype is very popular. "Let's look for the pharmacy first okay?" He asked her kindly, of course she agreed with him.

On the first floor in a long hallway they found a pharmacy. It's dark and empty from any enemies. All the shelves are broken and there's many pill bottles and drugs all over the floor. Love jumped over the counter and took a look at all the pill bottles that's still on the shelves. "What do you see?" Dempsey asked setting his bag down on the counter. He opened the small gate letting himself in.

"Ibuprofen's....Tylenol's....Xanax...useful things, even syrups" Love responds. Dempsey brought over the bag and so they started to pack them up. Love took all the ibuprofens she could see useful. She only took pills in bottles that are closed. No one knows what happened to the opened ones.

While Dempsey packed the last of the bottles Love wanted to explore the rest of the pharmacy. She walked to the back where she seen boxes stacked all along the wall and file cabinets all along the other side.

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now