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Zetsubou No Shima
"Island of Despair"
Division 9 facility, Ponape

The whole boat ride has been silent, no one had anything to say. Especially not Love, she has been lost in her deep trance for quite a while just so ashamed in herself. She's disappointed in herself for killing another human being. A human who had no human decency, but Love had human decency and she failed to show it.

"Jou all must feel so...confused." Richtofen says to break the painful silence everyone endured, still thinking of what had happened not long ago. He wasn't wrong, everyone was so confused. Even the dogs. "Erm...vell...zhe world has obviously ended und zhat is because of zhese demons zhat corrupted our world. Ever since zhe outbreak, I've been trying to find a safe place to stay, Alcatraz wasn't gutt, Austria was not either...I have many more places ve can visit und see which would be safer."

"So there is...nothing to be done?" Takeo shared the same disappointment in his tone than the facial expression everyone shared glaring into Richtofen's eyes.

"Nein. Unless we all want tzo die trying, everything zhat is lost is already gone, we would be dying for no reason if we did anything. Es tut mir Leid" The Doctor reply's sadly, he turns his head to look where the boat heads, they could see a jungle through the foggy and gross air. "Zhat must be it...zhe facility"


"More Germans?!"

"Nein, Japanese"

Takeo rose his eyebrow at that response, what did the German mean by more Japanese? Wasn't all those soldiers on the ship enough? By one look, Richtofen could read the look on his face "take zit easy Takeo, facility 9 has been abandoned for decades" that was some relief to hear, but then again, Austria has been abandoned for decades too and they found a live man there.

The boat floated to the shore of the gloomy swamp of a place and Richtofen got off first. Already analyzing their surroundings, he seemed to look somewhat pleased.

The men and the wolves got off first leaving Love to be last. They all shared the same look of questions needing to be answered, especially Takeo.

The atmosphere is thick, gloomy, poisonous, and wet with all the contaminated water around the area. It surely left a unsettling feeling through all of them.

"We keep moving" Richtofen says looking forward, he started his walk. Takeo came up close behind. The Dempsey's stayed behind with the dogs, looking at the Gobblegum machine covered with cobwebs made Love think of spiders, because of course a swamp would have spiders.

Their way is blocked off by vines tangled together, on the other side they could see what looked like a station. A faint sign they could barely see STATION A written on a sign.

Takeo came in clutch by pulling out his katana and sliced through the center of the blockage allowing the group to just walk through.

They approached the station and Dempsey kicked the door open with his strong boot, what they seen was a trap made for a large animal and a machine with a little tree in a pot. Nothing is making sense. "Zhis is...interesting" Richtofen mutters walking through just examining whatever he seen.

While the men looked around, Love just stood still with her dogs thinking to herself, this place looks so familiar. Too familiar.

"What would fit in this thing? A Tasmanian devil?" Dempsey says walking around the cage which is connected to a large machine holding a suction syringe.

"Vhatever zhis Island has to hold" was all Richtofen responded, so that could mean anything. And they will find out what that means shortly.

"Hey guys! Check this out!" They heard the shout of Nikolai from outside, so they all exit the station and followed him to a spot with hanging body's tied in webs everywhere. They stood in front of a small pond with the bright color of blue water, the color or bright sapphire with the smell of surfer burning their nostril hairs.

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