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Ever since her nightmare, Love hugged her husband tightly for as long as possible every chance she got. Her sudden affection confused the soldier a lot, she didn't act this way before so why is she acting like this now? She would give him a vague answer whenever he would ask her about it.

'I just love you'
'I'm cold'
'I just want a hug'

But Dempsey thought there was more to it, especially when Richtofen told him her diagnosis. He never wanted to ask her about what she goes through but he didn't want to be rude. To remind someone of their trauma's they experience everyday and when they finally get a break they have to be reminded that it's coming back real soon.

Love started to hang out with Takeo more, he would always assure her that what she sees is not real and she has the spirits to protect her heart. By spirits he means her spirit wolf she always smiles about. If she ever needed help she trusted that she could go to Takeo always, Takeo's heart is pure platinum compared to the other men she's with.

Nikolai started sharing his vodka with her and they talked over the drink while they forget their past for the night. Nikolai always took the final sip, Love is a small woman so it doesn't take long for her to get drunk and fall asleep with a big blue and white dog laying by her side.

Richtofen couldn't stop thinking of her diagnosis, he also couldn't stop thinking of what she told him. It was just so interesting to him, dreaming about murdering significant others and have hallucinations be out for blood with a dog for protection.

He then starts to think about what he said to her, he can't help her because he didn't have the medicines or special equipment to do so. He wasn't lying maliciously when he said that, he wouldn't do that to her. Richtofen was actually very fond of Love's presence. She was the nicest to him after all, and Takeo too.

Overall, he felt empathy for this stranger he picked up with her friends. He wanted to help in some way, he thought about it. Would it hurt to go back in time to when the Castle is active and steal all of the Doctor's supplies just for surgical use? Nothing can be hurt anymore than it already is anyways. Even if he took the trouble to do it, would she trust him enough to fuck with her head like that? Dempsey sure wouldn't..

• • •

Love wore her husbands heavy brown leather jacket while she followed her dog around. He barked at her to follow, like he wanted to show her something. "Where are we going, Jack?" She asked him, he barked again and continued running. She continued to follow.

He past the master bedrooms to the long and beautiful hallway where he faced a painting hanging on the wall. The painting was of a king sitting on his throne with two big wolves sitting at his side. "Is that you alive Jack? Was your owner a king? Are you royalty?!" Love asked looking at both the wolves, they looked just like her Jack, except they were gray with blue and brown eyes. So this castle used to be ran by a king before group 935 turned it into one big science laboratory.

Jack barks again and raises one of his paws towards the painting, as if telling her to touch the glass. Love rose her hand and touched the picture, she seen a symbol of two dog heads show up at the bottom corner following the howl of two wolves.

Jack started to run again immediately after "Jack! What are we doing?!" She followed him closely, he took her to the top of a staircase in the church where another picture hung. This time it's of a night riding a white horse in a war. This must be the same king fighting for his kingdom, she didn't see the dogs with him. She assumed Jack would want her to touch this picture too, so she did. Again a symbol of two wolf heads showed up following the sounds of wolves howl.

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now