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After taking a look in her brain with Dr. Maxis' instruments they found right around where her head had a lot of trauma there is a section of her brain with high triggering nerve activity that is needed to be removed, just as Maxis had theorized.

Because of this Dr. Maxis and Dr. Richtofen sat Love down in Maxis' basement next to his crafting table and his long dining table he uses for dissection and surgeries. They had to talk the woman through everything that's going to go down, Richtofen may be a liar but Maxis is the angel side to Richtofen demon side.

Everything Dr. Maxis said Love understood well, she just wanted to stop seeing all her loved ones dying in front of her or her own self dismembering her corpse. She doesn't want to see her best furry friends skeletons and flesh decomposing in the ground full of dead flowers. "Do you understand Frauline?"

"Can I be asleep during this?" She asks quietly stroking Jacks furry head as a form of her self soothing mechanisms.

"Well you're going to have to be put to sleep for this Frau." Maxis nods his head "or else the pain would be unspeakable otherwise." Well that was a relief to her, but the fear of not waking up after being put to sleep still stands. Besides that, she trusts that Dr. Maxis has her taken care of, she trusts that Richtofen is truthful when he says that Maxis is one of the best scientists he ever met..besides himself of course.

Naturally, Love asks if she could speak with her husband before the operations and Maxis allowed it because he and Richtofen had to set everything up.

Walking out of the basement Love found her husband sitting at the kitchen table with Nikolai and Takeo still drinking the wine he and his wife shared. He looked to have many things on his mind understandably. Him and his friends seen her walk in, so Nikolai and Takeo took the hint and made the decision to let the two be alone for a minuet. So respectfully they exited the kitchen with their drinks.

Love sat down in her chair beside his seat looking at him, he was staring at his hand clutched on the glass bottle. "I'll be okay Dempsey....I believe that..."

"You believe anything Love...it's just how you are..trusting."

"Is that a problem?"

"Sometimes..." they're both calmly and quietly speaking. Love could see in his eyes that he has many things swimming in his head. She knows he's genuine and worried, that's just how her devil dog is.

"I know you're afraid of losing me..I understand... I'd be lost if I didn't have my handful husband to be a handful to me everyday just to be one." Dempsey formed a small smile when she called him a handful, she used it on purpose just to see his handsome smile. "But...you need to put faith in Dr. Maxis...I know you don't trust Richtofen but Maxis seemed genuine don't you think?"

"I guess so.."

"I thought he was...Dempsey..I don't want to see everything I see anymore..."

"I know honey, I wished it was the other way around. Or better yet...I wish that I did my damn job as a husband and protected you." He shakes his head taking another big drink out of the wine. Something he felt he needed to do to drown his regrets.

"Dempsey please...I told you to be with your friends...it's my fault—"

"No, it's my fault." He sighs "I know it is, despite you think it's your own, you just wanted me to have a good time with my buddies, but it shouldn't have been that way. I should've just stayed with you. None of this would have happened."

"No matter whose fault it is...It's in the past, so far in the past. For my sanity, I want to look passed this, and the only way I can is if I can get fixed. My brain is going to kill me before anything else does. And I want to be with you for as long as I can."

Dempsey's heart fluttered and his flushed cheeks warmed up as a blush formed. He looked over at his wife who smiled at him, wanting to see him smile as well. "That's all I want to. Almost everything I want involves you,  I joined the Marines and I have been successful through it, married a very beautiful woman in meantime, had a very gorgeous honeymoon with her, next I want another gorgeous honeymoon with her and there we will have beautiful children. My life's complete from there."

Love blushed magenta when he said his life goals, she knew them all along but just hearing it was just so steamy. "Everything sounds perfect. What genders?"

"Hmm...all boys. Only boys."

"Okay at least one girl!"

"Mmmm" Dempsey looked up at the chandelier light sarcastically gesturing like he's thinking about it. "I think God only wants me to have boys"

"You're stupid" Love giggled "were having a girl to go with your boys"

"Ah fine fine, we're going to have one girl and name her Dempsey Jr."

"Stop! So stupid!" Both Dempsey and Love laughs, just what they needed before a stressful time for Dempsey himself.  After their giggling Dempsey reaches forward and grabs both his wife's hands and looked into her gorgeous crystals she has for eyes. And her smile warmed his heart. "I'll be okay Dempsey"

"I know you will" Dempsey sighs having to give in for her comfort. He doesn't want her to go down to sleep stressfully. "I'll be up here waiting for you, and when you're finished, I'll care for you all I can."

"I know you will. I love you."

"I love you more, I feel like I don't say it enough."

"I know you love me, even when we fight, you don't have to say it to me. I see it in your cute face and your golden heart."

Dempsey leaned in and gently gave his wife a kiss on her soft lips, something he hasn't done in a long time. Their life having to fight for their lives took away their time to grow as a couple, this is a blissful moment they needed for so long. Their bond grew stronger at this moment and it showed that they will never separate.

They soon heard footsteps of heavy boot stomping walk into the kitchen. That's when they heard Maxis speak "Frauline, were ready when you are." It's time. Love looked at her husband and smiled, his smile faded but he forced it immediately after he realized that. Standing up Love kissed her husbands head before she followed Maxis down the stairs.

Looking down at Jack and Troy Dempsey mutters "go with her, both of you" doing as they were told, both Jack and Troy rushed down the stairs and the doctors allowed them in. They just sat in the corner, Jack laying down and Troy sitting up tall staring both the doctors down.

Love laid back on the table Maxis instructed her too. "How long do you guess this will take?"

"Without actual concept of time in this dimension, I'd say the surgery will take forty five minuets, but the drug will keep you out for a while. I'd say a few hours at maximum."

"Okay...I want Dempsey to be with me after surgery..even if I'm not awake. Is that okay?"

"Understandable. I'll allow it." Maxis is a nice guy, shocking how he and Richtofen are friends. Opposite attracts I suppose.

Richtofen walked over with a syringe full of a clear liquid inside the bottle. Love guessed it's the drug that's supposed to put her to sleep. "Putting her to sleep now" Love gave him her hand her open arm and for that he held her hand out and then stuck the needle in her vein. "Now you should fall asleep in five....four....three....two....one"

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now