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Dr. Groph is blinded by a bright ball of light burning its rays in his iris' while he's tied up in a chair with Dempsey and Nikolai staring right at him with arched eyebrows.

Richtofen and Takeo stood beside Love with her red and wet eyes looking at the both of them wanting help, Richtofen took a good look at her arm. Beet red and her blood fighting its way down her arm very hot to the touch. "Just keep snow on zit, ve need to find some bandages somewhere"

"I will start looking" Takeo volunteers giving the two a nod before he walked out the corridor holding his katana in hand. Leaving Love to be with the only decent doctor in the room.

"Did he shove jou in zhe fire?"

With her heart racing, Love whispers in response "I—I guess"

"Ja or Nein Frauline?" If we're being technical, he did and he didn't at the same time. Her whole body wasn't thrown in said fire or else she would've been barbecue chicken right now.

"He....my arm touched the wood"

"Zit sure looks like zit. Just take it easy, ja?"

Love slowly nods. Quickly Takeo came back around holding a roll of bandages on hand. "I found some, thank the spirits"

"Wunderbar." Richtofen took the bandages from his hand and quickly but gently strapped it around Love's rash. The pressure burned her skin more than the fire did, Takeo allowed her to hold his arm and squeezed it tight. He's a strong man, she couldn't hurt him even if she wanted too.

More tears fell down Love's eyes but she stayed strong. Richtofen made the bandage tight on purpose, pressure helps the wounds heal quicker rather than if it was loose. He taped the bandages together and let her go. "Just go put more snow on zit, Ja?"

Love slowly and shyly nods again "...Takeo"

"I'll go with you Mrs." Takeo nods his head already guessing what she was going to request. Love nods her head and follows Takeo out of the corridor, now Richtofen anticipated when he would get to talk to a long friend again. But he wouldn't imagine it this way.

Walking over to the men and the dogs Richtofen held his hands behind his back. "Zhis is quite unexpected, Dr. Groph" Richtofen says tilting his head to the side looking into Dr. Groph's eyes. His eyes are shot, one of them closed with Jacks claws scarred all across, he deserved it. "How did jou survive zhis outbreak?"

"All I had to do was out run everyone else"

"You're skin and bones, the most you're gonna outrun is a tortuous." Nikolai snickered behind Dempsey, Dempsey couldn't help but crack a smile. Richtofen showed no humor with the Russians joke, he looked at them both with disapproval.

"Get away zhe both of jou!"

"No! He tried to set my wife on fire! He's going to die by my hand!"

"He iz NOT getting away vith burning Frauline Hannah alive" Richtofen looked at Dempsey with angry eyes, he held his hand in front of him to keep Dempsey back. "Go comfort jour Frau, she should be outside." Dempsey looked angrily at the Dr. tied in the chair he sat in, wanting so bad to beat this man to death. He's old so it wouldn't take that long. Nikolai places his hand on his comrades shoulder and so the two walked away.

"Jack come with me, Troy....you got permission to kill if it comes to it." Jack came with Dempsey only because Love would want to be with her favorite son again, and Troy being a huge dog can kill both Richtofen and Dr. Groph easily and quickly when it came necessary.

Richtofen rolled his eyes at having to have a wolf as a babysitter. This was pointless he thought, Dempsey just has many grudges against Richtofen because he's German. He can't trust Germans, especially not now that a German burned his wife's arm. He wasn't going to leave unless someone watched them, how did he know these two wasn't going to plan a scheme to kill all of them and break out?

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now