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Ever since Love asked Richtofen if it was safe to go to the lit up town, he would think about it sometimes. At first he said it wasn't safe, but is anything they do safe? There could be useful items down there, because lord knows there is no people left besides the five of them.

He told the group that they were going to go on a trip, but first he had a surprise for everyone. Everybody was so confused to what the surprise could actually be.

They waited for hours while the doctor stayed in the APD keepers room building whatever it was he was building.

The time they waited in the church, the three men got to know Jack and Troy. Takeo and got on a knee and held his hand out to Troy, the wolf sniffed his hand confirming that Takeo is a friend.

Jack had his tail wrapped around Love's leg while he sat right by her feet. Dempsey walked over and scratched his head, they could hear Jack's tail tap on the floor with pleasure.

Nikolai set down his vodka bottle and held his vodka stained hand out for Troy to sniff. Troy concluded that Nikolai was no enemy, but a drunk Russian.

"Where did these wolves come from, Love?" Takeo asked while he stroked the back of Troys head.

Of course Love seen it happen but she didn't know how to explain it. She didn't see it but she saw the beginning. "I....I don't know..."

"You don't know?" Dempsey tilts his head looking down on her


"You were there right?"

"Yes and no..I—"

"Ah! Jou're all together! Wunderbar!" Everyone heads starts to turn when they hear the German voice. They seen Richtofen is now holding five different color fiery bows in hand.

"What do you got there?" Love rose her eyebrow looking at the ancient weapons he casually held by the strings like purses.

"Ah! Zhe bows of the ancients of course, zit vas ein hassle tzo get zhem so...TAKE CARE OF ZHEM!"


Richtofen passed around the bows, he gave Dempsey the Lightning Bow, Takeo the Fire Bow, Nikolai the Void Bow, Richtofen the Blood Bow, then of course, Love got the Wolf Bow. Because she's truly, the wolf queen here.

"Do not make me regret giving all of jou zhese ancient beauties" Richtofen says holding his red bow with a arrow in hand. "I figured we may need them while we are out into town. I haven't been down there in decades."

No one said anything to him, except they followed him right back to the tram transport room right by the entrance to the castle.

Placing a fully energized tram fuse in the slot, they heard a voice. "Gondola called" the announcer was no other than Dr. Ludvig Maxis recordings. They waited for the tram to come pick them up, it hasn't been used in decades so it would take a minuet.

Love was staring at the blue fire that danced all around the silhouette of her bow, she got lost in the pretty flame. When she finally looked up she seen her area is covered in blood and dead bodies. Looking back down she seen both Jack and Troy are live skeletons of dogs sitting next to her feet, she could somehow see they were breathing.

Looking back at the banister railing that kept them from falling down a very very high rocky hill Love could see a figure standing right over it. The figure is covered by a black cloak and she swore she could see devil horns around where the head should be.

"Do you remember, Hannah? You are a murderer....you are a nutty little girl! Nutty girls must be punished....all of the flowers died, burned to ash, bleeding by their stems." The voice sounded feminine yet not feminine at the same time, it was demonic. Love watched as the figure threw off its cloak and revealed it was her. She could only see one side of her head, and with that one side she could see blood came down her eyes like she was crying blood or something clawed a deep cut under her eye. The demonic figure looked angry when it seen her. "Do as I say...do as I do, Hannah." Her voice gone softer and a creepy red smile formed on her lips "jump" as soon as she said that the figure jumped off the banister to a long fall.

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now