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Love found a crash site where a plane crashed down and has been collecting dirt and cobwebs for decades. She wondered who caused this crash, obviously they are not alive today. Surviving such a impact would lead to immediate death.

Taking a look around she could see a button bright green sit in front of the plane. Walking over to it, she hesitated but she had the urge to press it. Any curious cat would. She fought the curiosity with her fear, but sadly her curiosity was too powerful. She pressed the button so now it's bright red, looking up she watched as the propellers off the broken wings started to turn. Frightened, Love immediately grabbed her wolf and jumped back and she fell to the ground.

She watched the propellers turn and turn fast having the gut wrenching fear that one of the propellers would break off and slice either one of their necks off without anything to be done.

Jack didn't show fear of that, he only showed fear when she grabbed him so sudden and jerked him back with her. It was just a moment of shock.

Eventually the propellers turned off and the button stayed red, she could see steam come out of the box the button stuck too. She guessed the planes engine needed to cool down, she's so shocked that a broken plane still works like that today.

Jack jumped out of his owners grip and walked down the same trail the propellers tore the ground of. Love didn't hesitate for follow him, she trusted this dog a lot more than she should rather than trusting humans.

Knowing he was being followed, Jack perked his pointy ears up as they wandered wherever he was going. It's not like he knew where he was going so they were just having to test their luck.

Wandering through a gloomy and wet set of trees the two found their way to a open area, this area looked like a ruin made of stones and there is a stone pedestal in the center with carved out places surrounding the pedestal with skulls with symbols filling up the inside each carved spot.

Very intrigued, Love walked forward and Jack followed her up close. She walked over to the skull, the skull is blood red and at the mouth it had two sharpest teeth, it reminded her of a vampire. "What kind of demonic shit did these Japanese troops do here?" Having an uneasy feeling holding this demonic artifact, Love set it back down in its rightful place. "You know where Tank is, right Ja-"

In the background she could hear twigs snapping and tree vines are being snapped. This alerted Jacks instincts, he peeked his ears up and revealed his bloody and sharp teeth getting in a pouncing position while growling looking right at the direction of the suspicious noise.

With her dog, Love pulled out her Ray Gun from her belt and aimed it right where Jack looker, trusting he knew something was coming.

Only to see Dempsey reveal himself with Troy at the end of the entrance "Woah! Hey hey- it's me-" Dempsey seen her hold the supernatural weapon from the psychotic German and aimed it right at his face. He held his hands in the air, even his KSG shot gun he held in his right hand.

Jack saw Troy and shook his tail excitedly. Of course Love put her weapon down immediately after seeing her man come through. "Where have you been?" Love asked putting her weapon back on her belt.

"The lunatic caught something" Dempsey replies to her, he must mean Richtofen, "I was worried about you so I came to find you"

"I'm okay" Love smiled and walked over to him, he grabbed her hand and kissed her head.

"I'm happy to see that, now where have you been?"

"Looking around, especially at the plane crash site. It intrigued me, the propellers still spin, like how?! The wing isn't on the plane almost!"

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now