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Everyone gathered back around inside the castle where Richtofen had his giant teleporter collecting dust from inactivities. The whereabouts of Dr. Groph's corpse is unknown to everyone except for the mad man himself. And he planned to keep it that way.

Curiosity and fear built up in everyone's minds as they had no idea what to expect next. Though the doctor had some things expected, he still had no idea what he was putting this group up against.

The teleporter turned on blinking flashing lights while Richtofen walked over to the switches, everyone watched with their hearts racing. The men, showed the most bravery here.

Few things went through Love's brain while she watched these boys look around and chat. Where are they going now? And will she have to leave her furry sons behind? That she can't do, if that's the case then she's going nowhere.

"Ah!" A smile formed on the Germans face when the sound of bells chimed in his ears that let him now the teleporter is ready to be used. "Let's go lady und gentlemen, ve leave now"

The men didn't object to this, they thought that nothing can get worse than how it was in their world. Austria was just so soothing to be in, they hoped this new place would be as such.

Everyone is now inside the teleporter ready to launch, everyone—except...


Love kept her arms crossed staring at the four men already in the teleporter. She had her two furry sons sitting by her sides.

"Honey..." Dempsey sighs

"I'm not leaving my dogs..." Love started to say at first with confidence, though close to the end of that sentence she started to crash and burn out of that confidence. It might've been all four sets of their eyes right at hers.

Richtofen rose his eyebrow in confusion, he shifts his gaze down to the big dogs staring right at them. He felt empathy for this strange and broken woman that goes through as much mentally as he did. All of them seen how sad and frightened she was before she found these dogs and now she's happiest and felt safest since this outbreak began because of them. And all of them couldn't take that away from her. Richtofen couldn't take that away from her. He's a mad man who loves people pain, and even he didn't want to pain her anymore. "Zhen don't?"

" "Then don't?""She rose her eyebrow when she repeated him with shock in her tone, she couldn't believe that worked.

"Ja. Vhy would jou have tzo leave zhem?"

"I—I—I-I—I don't know...I-I-I was just—"

"Honey we need to go" Dempsey reaches his hand out to the shocked woman, she blushed red and grabbed his big hand and he pulled her into the machine. Jack and Troy snaked their way around the men's legs and hid behind their owners. Now with everyone inside secured, Richtofen activated the teleporter. Feeling the electricity go through their bodies, Love hid her  face in her husbands shoulder and he held her close to him for comfort.

• • •

The next thing Primis knew they found themselves stranded in the middle of the ocean on a Japanese battleship full of angry Japanese policemen and guards wanting answers for everything.

They had no idea how they got there, but they knew they had to get the fuck out immediately.

They had no idea how it happened but the angry Japanese policemen held Takeo hostage crossing his arms behind his back. Having everyone else surrounded watching the interrogation.

Troy and Jack were forced to lay down and to stay down by having pointy swords pointed to their necks. Like good dogs they stayed friendly, that didn't stop them from having hostile emotions. Troy was ready to jump up and tear some soldiers to pieces.

Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now