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Love's vision blackened every second of the countdown until one then there was nothing. Just pitch darkness. At this time she felt uncomfortable in her as if she stopped breathing, she forgot how to breathe.

When her vision came back to her she wasn't in the lab with Dr. Richtofen and Dr. Maxis. But in a field again. The field is dark with silver grass on the ground, growing brown and dead flowers over her black gown lengthen down to her knees.

She sat down in the middle of the dead meadow just looking at all the dead flowers she's created just by being here with all her bad karma she's come to have.

Love rose her hands up and she could see her hand turning paler and paler by the second as her chest heavies and heavies until suddenly it slowed and slowed. She started to feel confusion and fear with this uncomfortable feeling. Holding her hands on her face her hands were ice cold just as cold as her cheeks were.

Looking up at the sky she seen the sky start to brighten and push away all the black clouds that shadowed her in darkness for a long time. For the first time she seen actual sunlight and the rays of his shine hurt her adjusting eyes. Her eyes are so used to the darkness the sun almost seemed so unreal and just a thought.

Even with the heat of the sun she's still isolated with the freeze of her skin and her insides. Taking a look at her surroundings she seen more colors, more life, more beauty she hasn't seen in so long. Silver in grass turned bright and beautiful green almost immediately and the dead flowers she came comfort too resurrected into beautiful sunflowers and pretty pink and purple tulips with healthy green leaves and stems.

She watched as bees and flowers flew around the flowers, a blue and black butterfly lands on Love's hand and she was the most beautiful creature Love has seen in such a long time.

In the background, Love could hear birds singing, what was happening? Love couldn't answer, she's so confused but in awe of the scenery she's enduring. She felt more heat as the sun started to shine brighter and shined his rays directly on her like a spotlight at a one man show.

Standing back up again she seen small bunnies hopping across the meadow, little brown and white rabbits chasing one another and she even seen squirrels running up trees with acorns shoved in their mouths.

Across the field she seen a Doe and her baby eating grass then looking right at her. They were so beautiful.

A brown and orange mixed fox hopped four feet in the air and dived into a pond to bite down a fish for dinner.

This whole scenery was so hypnotizing to look at, you couldn't take your eyes off it, even though there is no reason you'd want to. After a long time of Hell this is Heaven. Her time in Heaven.

Looking down at her dress, Love seen herself wearing a completely different outfit than she was before. A longer white floral Sunday gown with short sleeves. And on her head she found herself wearing a flower crown. This crown contains flowers of white and bright pink roses. The most gorgeous flower crown she has ever seen.

Maybe Maxis and Richtofen did save her! They fixed her brain and she's just dreaming because they did give her some heavy drugs. She's in paradise while she's waiting to wake up again to see her husband and kiss him again and tell him that she told him so.

But regardless she's happy.

Her bright day started to dim as she could see clouds starting to cover up the sun, this is saddening to her because she finally had inner peace and she finally got see color from the world she didn't get to see before her incident, and suddenly its being taken away from her by a thunderstorm rolling in. But everything stayed the same, nothing changed besides pouring down water feeding all the living flowers beneath her feet.

Lightning of white flashed before her eyes and the storm grew bigger and the sun suddenly disappears. White lightening reflected the grass silver to her irises. Each flash brought Love back to sanity and bringing her back to where she should've been all along.


Dead Flowers (Mad World) • Tank Dempsey Where stories live. Discover now