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(Y/N)'s POV

It's not true. I was just imaging things. I'm tired. It's not true.

I slowly woke up on a leather couch, my head resting comfortably in Hisoka's lap as he stared daggers at all corners of the room. His hand moving slowly through my hair which made me forget for a split second everything that had just happened.

I moved my head slightly to get more comfortable and Hisoka realized that I was awake. "Good morning, darling~." The drawl in his voice was back and almost comforting. The dry tears on my cheeks burned as my breathing became heavier when the memories flooded my brain.

Suddenly a different mystery man sitting on an identical couch across from us stood, "I will retrieve the boss." He walked away swiftly to who knows where.

"Hisoka..." I began to speak as I sat up, the lack of warmth making me shiver. "Can you please explain what's going on?"

He looked at me almost as if he were sad, "I'm sorry you had to see that. You must be very overwhelmed." He was serious yet again.

"Why did they do that?" My voice began shaking.


"Because he was not your father. I am." Yet another strange man walked into the room. "His orders were strictly to raise and teach you in the art of Nen until it came the time that you were able to pass the Hunter Exam. He kept on putting it off though, and lying right to my face. So, he had to be taken care of, it wasn't the initial plan."

He stood tall but rather slim compared to my father and his smile gave me the creeps because what he was saying was contradicting his facial expressions.

He stood tall but rather slim compared to my father and his smile gave me the creeps because what he was saying was contradicting his facial expressions

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(for some reason I imagine that this dude from Bleach would totally be your father? idk feel free to imagine literally anybody else lol)

"That's not true! You're not my father! Who are you?" I stood in anger and shouted.

"My (y/n) how well you've grown. It's so nice to finally see you like this. My name is Aizen Himura."

Himura. Like the assassin. A named feared throughout the world for being on par with the Zoldyck family. It was always said that he had no family and worked all on his own.

"It's my time to leave. I have places I need to be. I'm very sorry sweetheart." He stood and left with a serious glare in his eyes.

I trembled in the middle of the large room. An uncomfortable silence filling up the space between me and the man calling himself my father.

"I'd like for you to train for a bit with the Zoldyck kids. I believe it will do you some good."

"I don't need it. I'm already good with my power."

"This training won't be for your Nen power." He smirked and looked at me from the side, "please follow me, we'll be leaving right away."

And we did.

Time Skip ~~~~

We landed somewhere near their residence and walked a short while to the very large gate. When we arrived in front and my so-called father told the gate-keeper who we were a few people, who I assumed were members of the Zoldyck family walked out of the small door near the gate.

"Welcome!" A woman wearing an awfully large hat and strange glasses shouted in an almost sarcastic tone.

"Thank you for doing this. I simply don't have any way to accommodate her at home." Aizen bowed slightly as he motioned towards me.

I looked around entirely confused and suddenly a familiar face popped out from behind a large man. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"

Killua. "Hm? I had no idea you were a Zoldyck. And I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing here." I sneered towards the man that had essentially kidnapped me at the end.

"Please take good care of my daughter. I'll see you later, (y/n)." He walked away tall and never looked back.

I glared at him before turning back to the strange family. "Please," the woman then motioned for the tall gate, "this way."

"Hey, (y/n) why don't you try and open the door?" He snickered to himself as I looked at the gate confused.

"Sure. Why not?" I walked up to the door and without even having to touch it, I activated my special Nen and used the force of the power alone to push all of the doors opens. Killua stared in shock along with the big hat woman, while the man just nodded his head and walked through the now open doors.

"As expected of Himura's child." He whispered as he passed me.

I followed behind and glared at him because of what he had just said. A while of walking later we arrived at the main house, which was the largest building I had ever seen. I gaped at the size of the mansion.

As we walked in the woman spoke up, "Call me Kikyo. I'm Killua's mum. Now the two of you follow me." She pointed at Killua and I and walked away pointedly.

We arrived at a closed door and Killua growled? Kikyo motioned for him to go in so he did but she stopped me as I was about to. "You're going somewhere else. I believe you've met my Illumi?"

I nodded at the mention of his name, but had no idea he too was a Zoldyck. I followed as she began walking again. We stopped at another room, this time the door was open and I spotted Illumi inside. When he saw me he sighed and shook his head as Kikyo motioned me in and closed the door as soon as I was inside. The sound of the door locking alarmed me because I had absolutely no idea why I was here.

"I assume you don't know what's going on?" He still had that emotionless look going for him.

"Yea. That stupid Aizen guy says he's my dad and he just kidnapped me and took me here!" I shouted and crossed my arms in a bratty manner.

"It's true. He's your father. You're here to receive some special Zoldyck family training."

"And what exactly is this 'special Zoldyck family training?'"

He looked down with a shadow of sadness, "you will see."


i'm sorry if this sucks im stressed with school and I have a psat tomorrow :(

but I hope you all enjoy <3
and thank you for reading !

also just btw I'm going to like write everything and then all of the chapters will go thru a major editing so like yea 👍🏻

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