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I'd just like to start with a bit of an important note regarding some things that readers have been saying in the comments:

1) the age: where I am from, sex between a 16 y/o and a 24 y/o is completely legal unless the older is in a somewhat dominant position such as a teacher or boss. it would however be illegal for a 16 y/o to have sex with anyone under the age of 16. so no sex with gon or killua Im afraid. if the age makes you uncomfortable feel free to imagine that you're a different age, but as some of you have mentioned most of you readers are minors and have crushes on 30 y/o men anyways haha. i chose to make the character 16 because that is my own age and so I can understand the character that I am developing better. I personally don't feel uncomfortable with age gap relationships so I didn't really think that some people would-in the future when the book is edited I will include a warning.

2) whats the ship here: some have inquired about what characters are being shipped with y/n, and like it says in the little introduction thingy, it's going to be basically every main male character (maybe female if any of you are interested?) x reader. so as we know, Hisoka, illumi, Kurapika, Leorio, and I won't spoil the surprises hehe. basically your going to get to experience being with a ton of different characters before you start to develop some romantic feelings. but just know that the book will likely end up being some sort of poly relationship with a couple or few of the guys, so if that doesn't interest you, this might not be the fanfic for you.

3) so actually this is just something that I keep forgetting to bring up. I don't think I'm going to follow the final arc.. simply because I don't feel like it. rather I'll come up with my own plot to ensure that interaction with more characters can occur and I can really develop whatever relationship ends up happening.

anyway, thanks for reading and thank you all for 25+k reads it literally means so much to me. and please keep commenting and voting it all makes me so very happy :)

on with the show 👏



"This'll be easy!"

Feitan and Chrollo went on their own ways, mingling and such. I had never been to such an extravagant party so I tried to keep my head low and not cause a disruption that may ruin the mission that I was given. There wasn't a moment when I didn't know the exact location of the man that Chrollo had instructed that I kill.

My blood tingled at the idea of getting to complete a job again. Come to think of it, the gang hasn't seen my power in action yet. Oh how they'll be surprised. Muahahaha.

I stood by a pillar on the first floor, my target sitting, stuffing his face and chatting with others-completely unaware. Chrollo suddenly came into view and nodded his head in my direction, giving me the signal I needed to kill the chubby old man before me.

My plan was pretty simple:
Step 1. Interact with him
Step 2. Get the man to follow me into a bathroom or closet
Step 3. Kill him by taking away his life energy
Step 4. Maybe become a bit horny and lead some of the guys on and then cockblock them because the way that I act when I'm power high is pretty embarrassing... let's hope it doesn't come to this 👀

But of course, plans always fail. Nothing can ever go right.

It was working pretty well at first. I had approached him as he had gotten up to gather MORE food for his plate. He was instantly interested and we engaged in conversation. I had him laughing and would occasionally brush my hand against his arm or maybe the thigh when I could get away with it.

But before Step 2 could even begin, Chrollo and Feitan, wearing there very sexy matching black suits, strolled up to the target just as I was grabbing his hand to lead him to a back room. They scowled at the man and began shouting at him; Completely incomprehensible, due to the fact that they had just shot the old man and created a total panic within the ball room.

During the shuffle, my 'PET' collar somehow managed to remove itself from my neck. With the way that everyone in the room screamed, and the troupes guns rang, and I think someone may have been trying to talk to me or help me or something, I was so overwhelmed that my power must have activated itself. Cutting off the vocal ability of anyone still alive and in the room. Their bodies lifting as I felt my own churn with the introduction of new energies.

My whole body tingled and my mind slurred with power and adrenaline as everything around me stopped and I dropped the lifeless bodies to the ground. I searched absentmindedly for the troupe members, my mind already completely taken by the drug that is my ability.

My eyes caught sight of Chrollo and his slicked back hair, and nothing had ever seemed more attractive. He was already staring at me, but no shock was evident, he seemed calm and even satisfied at my performance.

He walked towards me before I could and moved his head so he was speaking directly in my ear. "What a wonderful job, pet." I unknowingly moaned at the feeling of his breath on my ear, and how his voice rasped. "Everyone go back. I'll take care of the rest."

Within a matter of seconds we were left alone in the room full of dead bodies. "Good pets get rewards," he then put a hand near my collar bone and shoulder, slowly moving towards my neck, "would you like your reward now, pet?"

My breathing was already unstable and I wasn't sure if words would actually be able to form, so I nodded and looked down at the floor. "You can speak right, pet?" He gripped my throat, but not too aggressively, allowing me plenty of room to feel comfortable, while also forcing me to look up at him. His glare almost made me tremble.

"Yes." I whispered, barely audible but he had instantly attached his lips to mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth and asserting his dominance. My power urging me on and forcing moans out of me that I didn't know I had been making. He forced my back into a wall and pushed his body further against mine, making me very aware of the large bulge underneath his pants.


So we're stopping here today 😇
I hope everyone enjoyed and thank you for reading :)

Ps I'm sorry for the really late update but school is almost over and I'll have so much more free time to write <333

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