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I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile 😖



Since that incident, I sort of just let them all call me their pet. I had ended up agreeing because the thought of going back to the house where Himura was made my blood boil. It's actually quite fun being around such an interesting group of characters, plus Hisoka isn't around much so I didn't have to worry about all of the embarrassment I feel every time I see his stupid face. They even gave me a collar that says 'PET' on it, I assume to remind me of my humiliation everyday that I spend here.

One day I was just playing around with a deck of cards, building a little house and what not, and Feitan had come into the room to 'supervise' me, because I am indeed their pet now. He's been doing that ever since then. He just sort of watches me when he has nothing else to do, and so I just sit and play with my cards.

Chrollo hasn't even said a word to me since that day. In fact, I don't even think I've seen his face for more than five seconds at a time since then. He seems to be avoiding me, or maybe he's just super busy, or maybe he and Hisoka are secret lovers and that's why he wanted me to stay here, so he could keep an eye on me. You never know 🤷‍♀️

Anywho, I don't really have to do anything while I'm here, I don't even train. Which would be perfect for my lazy self, but I've also been itching for some action. Because of this, I've been quite on edge. It's a good thing that nobody really talks to me or else I'm pretty sure I'd kill someone.

Third Person


(Y/n) was sitting in her poorly furnished room, playing with her deck of cards as always. Feitan had walked in and stood by the door like he does on the occasions that he isn't busy, and for the first time since she had become a pet, (y/n) decided to start a nice little conversation.

"IT'S SO BORING." She had shouted at the wall in front of her, very suddenly. Feitan had jumped slightly but sighed when he realized she was just being overdramatic.

"What... did... you... expect..." (Y/n) sighed as well, realizing that he was right and she did have some pretty high expectations for this pet position-she was rather disappointed that all of these hot people were around her and nothing was happening about it.

"I don't know maybe some teasing or bondage. Psh, no I just sit around and all I have are these stupid cards. Geez I'd rather be with back at the hotel with Hisoka." She had mumbled it all to herself, but due to the total silence around them, of course Feitan was able to hear. He racked his brain for what she might have meant by 'teasing' and 'bondage,' but came up empty so he didn't feel like responding.

Before anymore conversation took place, the one and only Chrollo, who hadn't shown his face to (Y/n) since her arrival had stood in the location of where her door should be. He didn't turn to look into the room and instead stared forward through the hallway, "Pet. We have a mission, you can come with me." He stated his business then walked away, assuming she would just naturally follow. Although, the young girl was rather busy wondering why that interaction was so very hot to her. Feitan had walked out after Chrollo following him instead.

Eventually, the girl had stood up and ran after the leader, catching up with the two and thanking Satan she could finally leave the stuffy building and do something besides play with her cards.

The group had walked out of the building and to a small shop along with Machi, Shizuku and Nobunaga. The girls had gone in and (Y/n) was told to chose a gown of her liking, and so she asked the other girls to help her chose one. They had all settled on a short, lacey (f/c) dress. But, (Y/n) was still confused as to what was going on. Nobody was telling her anything about what this mission was.

"Come on, (Y/n). You need to get changed. The mission starts in a little bit." Machi had said, leading her to the changing rooms.

While she was changing Machi thought it was very important to add, "Don't forget to leave the necklace on."

(Y/n) had giggled, "It's really just a dog collar, not a necklace."

As she had walked back out, she couldn't help but feel a bit awkward as Feitan was obviously staring and Chrollo was trying to secretly peak at her, but was interrupted by Shizuku, "Wow! She cleans up nice." She had said with a kind smile.

"Just like a pet." Chrollo had said as he walked back out, the rest following as he did.

"Psh. Chrollo's a big meanie butt, stupid, shit face." She was mumbling insults at Chrollo's back as they walked to the unknown location of the mysterious mission.

When they arrived Machi, Nobunaga, and Shizuku had dispersed without saying anything and (Y/n) suddenly realized that Chrollo and Feitan were wearing similar black suits.

"What is this place..." she had started but was dragged into the fancy looking building before she could get another word in.

"It's... a... ball..." Feitan had whispered out as he stood tall and straight looking out at the crowd.

"Okay. But, what's the mission?"

"There's a man here that needs protection, and one that needs to die." Chrollo had paused and looked back at the intrigued (Y/n), "I figured you could take care of the one that needs to die."

"It has been a while since I've gotten to do a job!" She had cheered quietly to herself as she cracked her knuckles.

"I'll give you the signal when you're clear to do so. This is him. Here." He had handed her an image of an older looking man with a small white beard. She nodded taking the picture and immediately finding him in the crowd.

"This'll be easy!"


hiya everyone thank you for reading
hope you enjoyed <3

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