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This story is only half edited. I wrote this book in eight grade and I am now out of school so take in account the grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes.

Other than that, enjoy!


I hated my old town, the people in it didn't care about anything else unless it satisfied themselves. The environment and the feeling it gave me wasn't pleasant at all, I had spent my whole life being mistreated by everyone there. And I most definitely could not stand another moment with him.

I had to get as far as possible. This place was a fresh new start for me it was a time where I could solely focus on school and getting my life together. Emancipation took a while but it was worth it. It was like a fresh breath of air for me. Though I turn eighteen in only a few months, the sooner the better.

The worst thing about moving is unpacking, that long annoying task never gets easier no matter how many times I've went through it.

The house I'm in isn't that big it had two rooms a pretty decent kitchen and a living room, this was the biggest house I've ever lived in and no matter how many times I walked through it, it never got old.

I got a fair amount of money from the will that was left behind, though half of it went to the house I still had a lot left. I do however intend to get a job, I am just a little lost in how I'm going to get one, or where to even start.

I finished unpacking in an hour since there wasn't much to unpack I never carried more than a suitcase with me. Along with decorations I didn't any have furniture or such, to put out. Just a couch, a single bed and maybe a few pairs of clothes, rugged ones at that.

Plopping myself on the big grey worn-out couch, I turn on a movie on my small laptop I was supposed to use for school. I had bought all these things in one day, so to say I was confused was an understatement I hadn't gone to school in so long. What would a normal teenage girl need? The only answers I could find to that were on films

A wave of hunger hits me just as I realize that I hadn't shopped for food yet.

I had no directions to any sources of food, and a tank of gas that was nearly empty, the chances of me going out was slim. Grabbing my phone for the first time in a couple of hours, I start to search up takeout places. A couple of minutes pass when I decide to go with the first option I looked at, a five star rating and top tier reviews made the most sense to order from, reasonable, right?

I click on the number and ask the person on the other line for recommendations. When I hang up the screen lights up with how far the delivery man was.

The doorbell rings and I jump, the sudden sound pulling me away from my train of thought. My face fills with confusion, the man couldn't possibly be here already, I had just placed the order in. I look back to my phone before turning it off and standing up cautiously.

I grabbed the bat that was by the door... for you know safety purposes, I didn't even play baseball, I just saw it at the store and thought it was a suitable weapon that didn't draw attention-

I opened the door ready to swing the bat before seeing four shocked faces staring back at me, what the actual fuck-

Frozen in place, I didn't make any movement and kept the bat ready to swing in the same position. But when a bright vibrant smile was shun my way I became less weary.

"Dude, she has a bat" one of them with light brown hair whispered to the guy closest to him. His outfit was the only one that had a solid colour shown. The other three men wore a neutral colour or shade.

Reading my mind, the one beside him said "I can see that dumbass" he was taller than him and had dark black raven hair. His skin was pale like he hadn't been in the sun for a long time and he had a black lip ring on the bottom of his lip, he rolled his eyes while nudging the 'dumbass' to stop stating the obvious.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. Was one of them going to talk? Or am I just going to be standing here with a bat? My arms started to pain mid thought.

One of the boys in the front cleared his throat.
He was also tall like a raven-haired boy but he had blonde hair that was split down the middle, the holden hair matched his energy perfectly, He had no piercings and a similar pale exterior. He kept a smile on his face holding up a basket full of goodies for me to take.

The fourth one is also attractive like all of them. Was this a cult for attractive people?

This guy had dark brown hair styled the messiest out of all of them. He had many piercings consisting of his ears, nose, and lip. It matched the many tattoos that even went as far as his face. The chains on his neck and the rings on his knuckles stood out with the black nail polish he wore tying the look together.

They all looked completely different to eachother, total opposites but the same energy.

Blondie spoke up "My mom just wanted to welcome you and your family to the neighbourhood" I stiffened at the word 'family' and lowered the bat to my feet while resting on the door.

Blondie held out the basket smiling brightly. I gave him a small smile and took the basket back, they didn't notice because they were busy...checking me out?

I cleared my throat and snapped them out of their trance "Thanks and it's just me," I said politely placing the basket down on the couch behind me.

"Why" 'dumbass' blurted causing the raven-haired one to smack him.

"Sorry about him he was dropped as a baby," the raven-haired one said apologetically.

I nodded awkwardly and started to look around aimlessly not wanting to stand here anymore, to say I feel uncomfortable was an understatement.

"You know you're pretty cute," the dark-brown-haired one said, and they all started agreeing-

"Maybe we can hang out?"
"Are you single?"
"How old are you?"
"Are you going to the same school as us?"
"You probably smell like strawberries- OW! Stop hitting me!!"

I laughed loudly at the last one causing them all to stop talking "so about you being sing-"

Right before he could finish I slammed the door on all their faces. I let out a sigh of relief while running my fingers through my hair.

Their muffled voices echoed on the other side "look what you made her do, now we can't be friends with her."

"I just wanted to know if she had a boyfriend!"


"I'm not a dumbass!"

"Let's go he's waiting for us"  He? There's another one of them. Five good-looking boys? that literally smells of trouble.

"You know for once I just wish he'd come to us instead of us always going to him"

"Shut up," all of them said at once and soon after all the voices faded, right when I sit down I hear another knock, Were they back?

I swing the door open and say "yes I'm single" only to see a flustered wide-eyed delivery man holding a food package. Embarrassment flooded my face the moment I realize.

He wasn't as attractive as the previous boys and he looked way older "good to know" he smiled nervously, I took the package of food placing the money in his open hand and closing the door.

My head lands on the back of the door for a few seconds as I recover from the embarrassing incident. Once I lock the door I land on the sofa contently with the thought of hot fresh food that lays before me and the distant memory of both interactions.

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