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"They are doing great..they're with their multiple uncles and an aunt," I say by Essence's bed talking to as I had been for three days. She had lost too much blood to be awake and whenever her body regained most of it and her energy back she'd be awake. I wanted to tell her most of the time to tell her to wake up, knowing her she'd probably do the opposite

"I'm probably being selfish by wanting you to wake up now but I know we have to wait a while. fucking placenta right" I chuckled and held her still hand, "they are still nameless.. currently going by boy and girl" I laughed again, "I can't name them without you.."

I rubbed my thumb over his hand "I don't know if I can do this without you, to be honest...I don't know the first thing to be a dad...I should have read the books you gave me" I stared at her face her eyes remaining closed and her body frozen, her chest lifted and down as she breathed settling my nerves slightly

"I don't know if you wanted to breastfeed them or whatever but they've been living on bottles for a couple of days, girl doesn't really cry at all just when she's hungry, the boy however gets cranky really easily, I'm pretty sure she's gonna be the tuff one" I smiled talking about them

"Please wake up" I whispered "please—I love you" I rested my head on the bed and let go of her hand

I sighed before getting up and moving the chair back to its original place. I looked back at her and bit the inside of my cheek, I took one last deep breath and left the room, "still nothing?" Easton said outside of the door, I shook my head, he patted my shoulder and I walked away making ways to the babies

I walked into the room and to Anna, she held one of the babies and smiled at me "brother as much as I love you, you are not holding these babies until you go home and have a shower" she pulled the baby away from me

"The fuck, give me my baby" I held my hands open, she kept the girl in her hands, I turned to Emilio and raised a brow, he rocked the boy back and forth "sorry but you need to shower," he said

"I can't leave what if she wakes up" I fought them "then we'll call you" she turned around and handed the baby to Neil who stood behind her, "no go take a nice, long long long hot shower—maybe two" she patted my shoulder before gripping them and turning me around I scoffed rolling my eyes and walked out of the room

"Keeping my fucking babies from me" I walked down the main floor and out of the hospital, the bright sun shun on my face making me squint my eyes "merda"

I gripped my keys from my pocket and started walking to my car, I got into the car and sighed, I'm so fucking tired.

I started up the car and looked at the gas, literally almost empty, fucking hell if there's not somewhere to get gas I'm murdering someone

I drove to the nearest gas station luckily in time to fill up my gas and get back to the house

I entered the quiet house and sighed, I couldn't remember the last time this house was this quiet... I started to unzip the sweater I had on walking up the stairs so I could quickly shower

The moment I stepped into the shower I sighed in delight, the hot water hit my back covering my whole body so that it was soaked, water droplets flowed Down the loose hair on my forehead and my face

I kept thinking about Essence and if she was ok, nothing probably had changed in the time I was gone I don't know why I kept overthinking this situation

She kept going through unexpected things but also kept fighting through them, I envied her for being so strong she could experience the worst shit but still smile the next day, it made me love her even more

I loved so many things about her that at times I didn't think it was normal, I loved the way she bit her lip or the inside of her cheek, I loved the way she talks to me like she had known me for ages even when we had first met, I loved how she liked to test my patience, I loved the way she looked at me..that one look that made my heart speed up and sent shivers down my spine, I stopped thinking for once, my mind became blank with only the thought of her

I  didn't think love was real for the longest time. I understood the love for your family but being in love, that confused me, until I met her

I rolled my neck side to side enjoying the stinging hot water, I scrubbed my body then my hair but stayed in longer even tho I was clean

My phone rang and I quickly turned off the water and walked out of the shower not even drying myself before I grabbed my phone to answer it

"Hello?" I called out

"She's awake!"



"—I think he's trying to keep it together but these past few days he's been a train wreck, he barely sleeps or talks to anyone but the babies" wake up Essence wake up

"Speaking of you should probably wake up and see them, their really adorable, probably wondering where their mommy is" come on Essence move your fingers

"You guys also need to pick names for them, calling them boy and girl is just weird" one finger at a time

"You just-you have to wake up" one
"Patience Anna" finger
"I miss talking to you" at a time

"She-she-" I light started showing up in my eyes making them squint but still being closed,  my lips slightly parted and I sucked in a breath, my breathing started to speed up a bit I moved my arm to put over my eyes pain shooting through them

"Doctor-nurse-who the fuck do we call!" Someone yelled

I heard a ring of someone calling someone "She's awake"


Short chapter I understand Lolol
Anyway, how's everyone how's life???

It was only three days lolol, 😋😋😋😋

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