"What are you doing here?" Bri asked taking a few steps towards me. She looked at how I was sitting and caught on. "Are you ok?"
"I'm ok, and I work downstairs, the ass of an owner brought me up here out of my own free will" I groaned.
"He did?" She looked surprised. I furrowed my brows as she sat down on the singular coushin beside me, "and why would um he do that?" she asked again.
"I don't know, he just carried me here because I hurt my knee" I nudged my head to the injury. She looked at my knee before looking back at me "wait why are you here Bri?" I asked
before getting off-topic again.
"Well I'm —you know that brother of mine..." she nervously chuckled. You can't be serious.
"Anna where is that cream you had?" Killian came into the room eyeing us down "I see the both of you have met" he raised a brow.
"Not the first time" I mumbled to myself. Killian looked at me confused and crossed his arms across his chest.
Bri and I have hung out multiple times this week and I have to say I've never met someone so much like me. We bonded on everything regardless of our different lifestyles.
For a second I was confused myself "she's my friend, the one I've been with all those times, I told you about her brother keep up" Bri snapped her fingers before sitting back onto the couch. He rolled his eyes at her.
"What the fuck" I mumbled under my breathe. It still seemed so unreal.
"Oh and the cream is right there in the drawer" she pointed to a covert beside the fridge.
He stalked over keeping a hard eye on the both of us. he picked up a blue bottle shaking it a bit before coming to sit beside me, and lifting up my legs, placing it on his lap and adjusting me so my knee was in the middle of his lap.
My face was scrunched up as I followed his lead, he gripped my tights, ripping them right where my knee was "what the fuck, that was my favourite pair" I yelled sitting up and smacking his arm which made my knee buck. I hissed in pain and squeezed my eyes shut.
His gaze quickly turned to mine as he glared sharply "I'll buy you new ones now sit the fuck still" he gritted, squeezing a white substance in his hand from the blue bottle. As soon as it hit my skin the coldness made me gasp loudly as be started to spread it everywhere.
"Christ you could have warned me asshole" I almost yelled.
Killian laughed looking my way with a smug smirk "I'd rather not" he shrugged, asshole. He started spreading the cream along my blue and purple knee while massaging it. It honestly felt good but I'd never admitted it out loud, "how did that happen Ess?" Bri asked. Killian's face scrunched at the nickname.
"I fell on my door trying to get my shoe on, it's nothing really I've been through much worse my skin just bruises easily" I immediately regretted the words I said the moment they left my mouth.
They both looked at me frozen, shit.
Bri turned worried as I couldn't read Killians.
"I'm pretty clumsy," I said saving my ass.
She nodded and he turned back to my knee "do you do this to all your staff" I joked his heavy glare stopped my chuckle as he stared me down.
"Usually they are smart enough to call in injured but not everyone" he scoffed causing me to roll my eyes I swear my eyes are probably going to get stuck back there.
"Alright done I'll get my driver to drive you home later you need to sit and not move for a while and let it set in" he placed my knee under a pillow.
What is all this special treatment it's just a bruise nothing I couldn't handle "I drove myself here I can drive home."
"No you can't" Bri piped up I looked over at her to see her worried face "you'll make it worse" she exclaimed her face made me feel bad I didn't want her to worry.
I sighed before laying my head back "fine."
"Alright Anna take care of your little friend" I scoffed at his comment which made him smirk "and Bambina Just ask her for whatever " I raised my eyebrows and nodded showing him I don't want to reply.
"Don't move" he said sternly showing his dominance I didn't reply again he walked out of the apartment I assume going down to the club.
"So Ian?" Bri jumped in her chair "y'all got something there between y'all Bambina" she used his nickname for me.
"I don't even know what that means makes me feel like a panda cause it sounds like bamboo"
She wholeheartedly laughed "I've never seen him care for someone so much other than family," she said getting up She walked towards the kitchen which was attached to the living room so I could still see her."Popcorn or chips" she offered.
"I don't care any" I shrugged she picked up the lays before sitting beside me like Killian did and placed my legs on her lap passing me some lays.
She placed a movie on "now we're official besties, you know someone from my family I just need to know one of yours" I stiffened.
"I don't have any" I laughed nervously she placed her hand in her mouth
"Shoot sorry my big mouth."
I changed the subject "so what do you think about the club or restaurant whatever" the place seemed more like a club than any restaurant or bar. But then again, this was the first one I've ever been to. She rolls her eyes "Ian doesn't let me go there I have to always come up here when we visit that's why I'm here right now I could be at our house but he likes bringing me to make sure I'm safe" she ranted on.
"So you never met anyone of the workers or saw it," I asked.
"Well I see it on the way up but it's early and it doesn't look fun or there are no workers on duty" she shrugged.
"Wow he seems protective."
"He is I wouldn't blame him though-" she stopped talking and shuffled a bit.
I can tell she didn't want to talk about it anymore I didn't mind it's not my place to ask "so if you're his sister you must know his friends" her eyes lit up "the most annoying yet loving guys ever" I laughed.
"Oh don't get me started on them."—

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐾𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛.✔️
RomanceTW This story is under EXTREME EDITING!!! Dark, cold, emotionless, Ruthless, is what you'd expect from Killian Lorenzo. With one look you can be six feet underground, he hates most people he comes into contact with letting them know straight off t...