end + sequel

535 11 15

oh, boy

I genuinely can't believe I've reached this point.  I think this is the first time I have ever actually finished a project, and oh my god, this was so much fun.  

It's so crazy looking back at the earlier chapters and thinking about how much I've changed as both a person and a writer since starting this project, like, a year and a half ago?  Something like that?  And there's still a ways to go with this, so I don't doubt that I'll end up doing some more editing, but hey!  It's finished!

All of your reads, votes, and comments literally mean so much to me, I cannot express it enough just how excited this makes me.  Knowing that people actually read and enjoy what I have to say makes me happy just thinking about it, and to be honest, your comments genuinely make my day.  I really appreciate all of you so much.

I don't really know where to go with this, haha.  Like I said, never finished something before.  

imagine if I left the story here though lmao we're not even close to done

Thinking about the sequel brought up the question of titles, and I thought pretty hard about what I want to call the next book, so some of my favorite options were

*These Children Have Zero Coping Skills and I Love Them

*A Series Of Very Fortunate Coincidences

*How Not To Handle Conflict:  A Guide

But in the end I ended up titling the sequel Buzzcut Season, which will be up with its introduction as you're reading this.  

so basically, uh... thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story, and I hope you enjoy the sequel!  love you guys <3


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