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roxxy I think the butterflies like me better than my own family does

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roxxy I think the butterflies like me better than my own family does


freddieweasley Do you mean this in a 'butterflies really love me' kinda way or a 'my family hates me' kinda way

roxxy both freddieweasley

lucyrw Oh come on Roxxy

lucyrw We all know you're everybodies favourite cousin

rosee That's such a nice picture!

roxxy I wish I could take credit but it was Molly who took it rosee

mollyweasley I don't understand why all the butterflies kept landing on you

mollyweasley I swear they all hated me

roxxy The butterflies befriended me, it's not my fault mollyweasley

mollyweasley Where did you learn to speak the butterfly language

mollyweasley Is there some secret form of communication you've been using to talk to them

mollyweasley Teach me your magical ways

roxxy I'll never tell my secrets ;)


mollyweasley Nature is more magical than the rest of us combined

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mollyweasley Nature is more magical than the rest of us combined

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roxxy Did you finally get a butterfly to like you?

mollyweasley No, I had to chase after it to get the picture honestly

mollyweasley My life is so sad

roxxy a tragedy :'( how can you live without butterflies

mollyweasley Idk, I'll just have to find a way to work through this

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