Forty Seven

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hugogw "what if humans were actually the same as frogs but we convinced ourselves we're different species but we're actually not" -lily

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hugogw "what if humans were actually the same as frogs but we convinced ourselves we're different species but we're actually not" -lily

[tagged: lilylp]

lilylp I'm right and everybody needs to know it

lucyrw I mean logically thinking it's possible.  We could do that with anything, really

hugogw that's not how that works?? Humans are not frogs

lilylp that's what they want you to think

hugogw that's just factually incorrect, I don't know how else to tell you this

hugogw science n' stuff

lucyrw but like.... Can you actually prove that we are not the same as frogs

lucyrw you have no evidence

lilylp see? Even Lucy agrees that I'm right

hugogw I'm so done with both of you

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