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abbyparks new friend, new adventures

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abbyparks new friend, new adventures

[tagged: lucyrw]

nottcas Congrats on being the first Ravenclaw to not make me want to die lucyrw

lucyrw Not yet anyway lmao nottcas

lilylp uhm I'm sorry what is this

abbyparks I think that's kinda obvious lilylp

lilylp oh shut up I'm not asking you abbyparks

lilylp Lucy what the actual fuck

lucyrw Is there a problem Lily????

lilylp Yes???

lilylp you do realize how awful these people are, right?

lucyrw lmao if you think THEY'RE awful maybe you should take a look in the mirror, dear cousin

lucyrw Sorry, but I don't feel like dealing with our family's bs anymore 😘 bye!

mollyweasley I wouldn't expect this from any of our family but least of all you, Lucy

lucyrw then maybe you didn't know me as well as you thought.

abbyparks wow she just called them all out oh my god

abbyparks this is why we're friends

lucyrw and I doubt it'll be the last time either

[Direct Messages]

What the hell
are you doing?
You've seen how
terrible these people
have been to others
for no reason at all,
and now you're
joining them?

I know what I'm
doing, molly.


just last week you
told me they were
trying to "recruit"
you but you would
never join, and now
all of a sudden you
change your mind?

No way.

I know exactly what
I'm doing.  Do you
trust me?

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