Eighty Four

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lucyrw This place never fails to annoy me, but at least they've got decent food

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lucyrw This place never fails to annoy me, but at least they've got decent food

[tagged: lilylp]

lilylp If you made me stay for even another second I would have abandoned you

lucyrw betrayal!! How rude

jamessiriusp I haven't been to Hogsmeade in so long I'm gonna cry

lucyrw then go to Hogsmeade???

lysandersc James never learned how to apparate :( poor James, I don't know how he can live like this

jamessiriusp I will apparate to Hogsmeade and fight you rn


lorcans While Lily and Lucy suffer elsewhere, we go to a place which is actually good

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lorcans While Lily and Lucy suffer elsewhere, we go to a place which is actually good

[tagged: louisw]

louisw well it WOULD be good if you would stop judging literally every single book in the store

lorcans Sometimes books are bad and you have to accept that

louisw No??? They're not???

lysandersc I can't believe you two abandoned me with Hugo

lysandersc Have you got any idea how annoying he is?

louisw I'm sorry, pls don't hate me lysandersc

lorcans I am unapologetic and have no remorse for you

lysandersc Thanks, I guess?

domw wait a minUTE -

lorcans are you okay domw

domw wait so you and my brother

domw alone in hogsmeade

domw on a

domw date???

domw oh my god i'm a genius

louisw ew no

louisw even I have standards

domw do you really?

lorcans Rude???? But also maybe I should just tell dom who it is

louisw I will lock you out of the common room

lorcans I'd like to see you try

domw someday soon I WILL figure this out

louisw okay, if you say so


hugogw The actual best place in Hogsmeade

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hugogw The actual best place in Hogsmeade

[tagged: lysandersc]

lysandersc Today was a traumatic experience

lilylp haha suffer lysandersc

rosee What did he do this time?

lysandersc He set the store on fire


lysandersc Sure it was!!

rosee Oh wow, how did that happen

lysandersc "By accident"

rosee and honestly?

lysandersc I.... have no idea

hugogw maybe I'm just that talented

lilylp maybe ur just really dumb

lucyrw ^

hugogw nobody asked lilylp

rosee No, but you encouraged it

hugogw lies???

lucyrw I mean you kinda did...

lysandersc you called yourself talented.  You were definitely encouraging it

hugogw but it's the truth.  I am the epitome of talent.  No one is more amazing than I

rosee Keep telling yourself that

double update today because I just realized this is at 4k reads

I'm feeling emotions & I don't like it

I just looked back at some previous chapters and I realized most of them are in the 20-30 reads range and I'm -

I literally cannot believe there's 20+ people reading this, I expected none

So thank you all very much for reading this and actually being interested in my writing!!


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