Seventy Nine

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alpotter life is miserable and I want to sleep

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alpotter life is miserable and I want to sleep

[tagged: rosee, jamessiriusp, hugogw, lilylp]

lilylp That's ur fault, not mine

alpotter go away lilylp

hugogw haha loser, you've got to do actual work

hugogw And the rest of us get to just sit there and laugh at your misery

alpotter I LITERALLY hate you, hugo

alpotter I will actually fight you

rosee Remember: the sooner you use your intelligence and get this done, the sooner you get to go to sleep!!

alpotter I will actually commit a murder


"I don't get it," said Al, for the millionth time.

Rose reached across the table and nudged the book closer to him. The aroma of hot chocolate filled the house, and the glass of the coffee mug pressed against Al's skin warmed his hands. He sighed heavily, then sipped his hot chocolate with a dark look.

"What did the hot chocolate ever do to you?" commented Hugo. Al resisted the urge to reach over and strangle him.

Rose just turned the page of the book, scanning the paragraphs upside down. "You'll get it," she insisted. "It's fine. You've just got to put in a little more effort and you'll get it."

"Doubtful," muttered James, not looking up from his phone screen. The light illuminated his face, sharpening the shadows and casting a bright reflection in his eyes.

Lily nodded in agreement. She twisted a braid into her long red hair as she spoke. "I think this whole thing has been counterproductive."

"Big words for a twelve year old like yourself," said Hugo. Lily reached for her wand, but Rose was quick to pull it out of her grasp.

"No! No murder in this household, please and thank you," she said. She turned back the Al, refocusing on the subject at hand. The room was dead silent for a moment, and she reached back and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She took a deep breath and her eyes fell shut. When they reopened, she smiled. "Okay. You can do this. Try it on me again."

Al barely managed to not roll his eyes. "Fine," he said firmly. He'd had enough of this for a lifetime. "One last time. After this, I'm going to sleep, and none of you can stop me."

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