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hugogw reading a book????? Wow, I can't believe all my friends are nerds

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hugogw reading a book????? Wow, I can't believe all my friends are nerds

[tagged: lorcans]

lorcans Is it a crime to study for my n.e.w.t.s. now?

hugogw Yes.

lorcans :(

hugogw turn that frown upside down!

lorcans ):

hugogw nevermind I liked it better how it was before

rosee Do you even know how to read hugogw ?

hugogw Do you know how to mind your own business rosee ?



sammacmillan The train hasn't even started moving yet and she's already asleep, thanks a lot

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sammacmillan The train hasn't even started moving yet and she's already asleep, thanks a lot

[tagged: lilylp]

lysandersc Abandon all hope for Lily, she's officially crossed the line

teddylupin All this just bc she fell asleep? That's a little dramatic

sammacmillan no, you don't get it

sammacmillan Because Hugo and Lorcan abandoned me and no one else likes me 💔

sammacmillan and now I'm stuck with Lysander and Louis and Lucy and they are SO annoying

hugogw that's why I left tbh

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