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alpotter hi i have the cutest dog and you're not allowed to disagree

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alpotter hi i have the cutest dog and you're not allowed to disagree

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scorpm *we have the cutest dog

scorpm Stop trying to steal my pets

alpotter .....yeah, I guess, sure

louisw hypothetically speaking, how upset would you be if somebody (not me) happened to steal your dog (which I would not do)

alpotter i'm not saying i would commit a murder, but....

louisw but what if you just didn't know who stole it.  Like, they left no evidence, you've got no way of knowing who it was

alpotter Then I'd find a way to discover who did it

alpotter Nobody steals my dog and gets away with it

louisw so what you're saying is that as long as somebody is careful (by which I mean not me) then they (idk who) would be able to steal your dog (which I would never do)?

alpotter very, very careful.

louisw got it, thanks

roxxy did you get ANOTHER DOG

roxxy and also CAN I BORROW HIM

alpotter no to both questions

alpotter His name is Frog and we've had him for like three months

roxxy I love the fact that his name is Frog

scorpm we have a frog named Dog ad well

roxxy even better!

domw Do you two actually live in a zoo

domw and can I live there too

alpotter I don't trust a single one of you to come anywhere near my pets, stay away

domw hey when are we gonna go steal their dogs louisw

alpotter NO

that is all
thank u & goodnight
(Also I'm gonna post like 3 updates)
((I had a very eventful weekend))

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