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teddylupin She thought the sunset was pretty, I thought she was prettier

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teddylupin She thought the sunset was pretty, I thought she was prettier

[tagged: vicweasley]

vicweasley Ew, romance

vicweasley I'm disgusted

lilylp 🤮 ewww, flirting

vicweasley Hey if you don't like it, you can leave lilylp

domw you two are so cliché and I love it

teddylupin Jealous?

domw haha no me? jealous?  what a crazy idea

rosee Yeah, why would any of us be jealous at all lol

vicweasley ikr Teddy and I? Awful.  Absolutely terrible. 

teddylupin :'(

vicweasley Don't be sad teddylupin

vicweasley Seeing you sad makes me sad, don't do this to me

teddylupin :)

vicweasley much better

hugogw How come teddy and vic are the only ones in the family who get to be in a relationship, wtf

hugogw I'm not saying I need love, because I'm too cool for that

hugogw but basically I need love

teddylupin too bad no one will ever love yoh hugogw

hugogw teds you didn't have to murder me, I'm already dead

lilylp @lorcans are you seeing this

lorcans yeah ??? Lilylp

lilylp take note lorcans

lorcans I -

teddylupin post cancelled! Have a good day

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