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mollyweasley Your favourite Weasleys <3

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mollyweasley Your favourite Weasleys <3

[tagged: rosee]

rosee *everybody's favourite

jamessiriusp Doesn't count because Rose isn't a Weasley

rosee Granger-Weasley counts too

jamessiriusp Does not

rosee Does too!

mollyweasley No fighting in my nice and friendly Instagram comments!

rosee oops

alpotter idk i kinda like dominique and louis.....

domw good choice

louisw thanks, favourite cousin

rosee You should reconsider that alpotter

alpotter i mean, rose?  oh yeah, i love rose!  she's the best weasley by far.  my absolute favourite

rosee Okay, I get the point

hugogw don't worry Rose, you're my favourite cousin

rosee Thanks

rosee Wait, no

mollyweasley Hey, at least everybody agrees I'm the best

lucyrw Debatable



freddieweasley Your actual favourite Weasleys

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freddieweasley Your actual favourite Weasleys

[tagged: louisw, lucyweasley, domw]

teddylupin Somewhat better, but I wouldn't say favourite

domw rude teddylupin

freddieweasley Get off my post

lysandersc Why are you so short louisw

louisw I'm not, fight me

lysandersc you're the shortest person in the group

louisw I'm taller than Dom???

lucyrw but I'm taller than you and I'm younger, so ha

louisw By a year, that hardly counts

louisw Stop harassing me about my height, you cruel people

roxxy I love how every part of you all is pitch black except for your bright shirts

jamessiriusp the rest of them is just a big empty void

freddieweasley This big empty void is going to disable the comments if you don't stop making fun of my photography skills


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