Forty Eight

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roxxy I stared at my phone for twenty minutes trying to come up with a funny caption but I got nothing, I'm sorry

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roxxy I stared at my phone for twenty minutes trying to come up with a funny caption but I got nothing, I'm sorry

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mollyweasley pretty picture!  I'm I'm awe of your photography skills all the time and I just don't get it

jamessiriusp wow Roxanne you're so boring

jamessiriusp I can't believe you couldn't come up with a funny caption

jamessiriusp I'm so disappointed in you

roxxy I'd like to see you do better jamessiriusp

jamessiriusp I will, just watch and see


jamessiriusp i stared at my phone screen for 2 minutes trying to come up with a funny caption but all I could think about is that time roxanne tried to throw a book at me but it somehow hit the wall and bounced back at her and broke her nose

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jamessiriusp i stared at my phone screen for 2 minutes trying to come up with a funny caption but all I could think about is that time roxanne tried to throw a book at me but it somehow hit the wall and bounced back at her and broke her nose

[tagged: roxxy]

lysandersc how does a book bounce off a wall

lysandersc how does that happen

jamessiriusp magic?

roxxy that wasn't funny

roxxy you need better jokes, bro

jamessiriusp bro

roxxy I said what I said and I won't regret it bro

roxxy Find some better material and try again

jamessiriusp Fine, but you're going to regret this


jamessiriusp photographic evidence of Roxanne acting all tough but actually being a five year old

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jamessiriusp photographic evidence of Roxanne acting all tough but actually being a five year old

[tagged: roxxy]

roxxy you think you're funny

roxxy b i t c h

roxxy you're just mean and I don't like it

freddieweasley I mean it's very accurate

domw ^ and funny

roxxy ugh fine.  you win this time

roxxy but you're still not funny

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